No limit point for BECE candidates – Adutwum ensures


General News of Monday, June 10, 2019



Adutwum5 Dr. Adutwum stated that all students would go to SHS provided they pbad their English and math papers.

Vice Minister of Education, Osei Yaw Adutwum, announced that there will be no deadline for candidates to write this year's Basic Education Certification Exam (BECE) .

Dr. Adutwum, Head of Basic Education and Secondary Education, made the revelation after Chereponi candidates expressed concern over the potential conflict for their performance because they lost many hours of contact.

In an interview with Gifty Andoh Appiah of Joy News, who was in Chereponi, the candidates begged the warring factions to end the conflict so they could prepare for their final exams.

However, speaking on Pulse on Joy New, the deputy minister said that no student would be denied upper secondary education because he could not get a certain grade as that was the case. case before.

"During your interview in Chereponi, I saw students complaining that they were unprepared because we now have a threshold of 25, and I saw girls falling apart while you talked to them. I just want them to know that there is no threshold of 25 points. So, to the extent that we want them to succeed, they should not give up the fact that it's 25 and therefore, they can not leave, "he told Gifty Andoh Appiah .

The BECE is the main examination of the first cycle of secondary education in Ghana and can even allow a student to attend technical institutes.

In the past, exam scores determined whether or not a student had attended high school and which school in particular. Those who did not reach the threshold – which was in total 30 but reduced to 25 – could not attend the high schools of their choice or go to school at all.

For the students of Chereponi EP college, the idea of ​​not being able to cross the limit point was a source of worry, the conflict having led to the flight of their teachers from the city and the closure of their school .

But these students will no longer have to worry about a breaking point.

They must however pbad their English and math papers if they wish to be admitted to high school.

Dr. Adutwum said that this would be the only requirement that they must meet because there is no critical threshold, "it's only when you fail in English and math that you have to go to yourself." re-enter and come back. "

This decision concerns not only Chereponi students, but also all BECE exam candidates.

Unfortunately, Chereponi candidates will not receive any special treatment regarding tagging due to lost contact time.

"However, for students who attended public schools, 30% of the places in our best performing schools were reserved for students attending public schools.

"And, therefore, they can go to lower-clbad higher schools with lower marks than private schools and I hope that Chereponi's students will have the opportunity in such areas," he said. the vice minister.

Traditionally, only candidates with excellent marks (mostly from private colleges) were admitted to the best high schools in the country.

With the current provisions, however, candidates from underprivileged high schools (mainly public schools) who may not be able to obtain such grades will be able to attend high-quality, high-performance high schools.

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