The latest announcement regarding the proposed entrance exam for the law school should be withdrawn | Press Releases


On June 3, 2019, the organization billing itself as the Independent Review Committee of the General Justice Board released a paid advertisement on page 30 of the state-owned Daily Graphic Newspaper asking for applications for suitably qualified candidates must be submitted by 12 April at the latest. July 2019 to qualify to participate in an exam called "Entrance Exam for Admission to the Professional Law Course of the Ghana Law School in October 2019".

The Coalition for Legal Education Reform in Ghana requests the body, called the Independent Review Committee of the General Legal Council and the General Legal Council, to immediately withdraw the announcement and if it is necessary to reissue this announces immediately, to bring it into conformity with the 1992 Constitution, the laws of Ghana, the decisions of the Supreme Court of Ghana, as well as the declared policy of the Chief Justice of Ghana, Ms. Sophia Akufo, when She was sifting through her current job. Indeed, as Chief Justice of Ghana, Ms. Sophia Akufo is also President, in accordance with the law, through paragraph 15 (1) (a) of the Legal Profession Act, 1960 (Act 32 ), of the Legal Council.

The reasons

We say that the ad should be removed for the following reasons.

1. Worldwide, the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) is the main qualification required for professional legal education. However, in some jurisdictions such as England, where we pbaded the law as we know it in Ghana today, people with a first degree in other streams are authorized to follow a one year conversion program in law. The phenomenon of an entrance examination is a particularly Ghanaian and unwelcome phenomenon on the way to a qualification for the legal profession, and it is particularly cruel.

2. The admission examination has already been declared unconstitutional in the case of Professor Stephen Kweku Asare against the Attorney General and the General Legal Counsel (WRIT NO J1 / 1/2016 of 22 June 2017) and its constitutionality is again in the case of Kenneth Kwabena Agyei Kuranchie against the Attorney General and the General Legal Counsel, SUIT. NO JI / 09/2019).

3. Conceptually, the admission examination is cruel, in that the amount of work required of the candidate to develop his or her ability to be examined is inhuman and constitutes a sin against the student. Article 15 of the 1992 Constitution.

4. Once again, it is discriminatory and contravenes Article 17 of the 1992 Constitution in that it will prevent persons who aspire and who are qualified to pursue professional legal education from pursuing their dream. .

5. On the face of the advertisement published on page 30 of the Daily Graphic of June 3, 2019, the exam format could only have been dreamed of by people with very sadistic inclinations,

(i) It will have only two sections, comprising section (a) of twenty multiple questions out of ten major law courses, and section (b) consisting of only two essay questions from ten major law schools, mandatory and required.

(ii) This exam format, which requires candidates to learn / revise courses on ten law courses that it took them three years to learn, is an extremely cruel and sadistic exercise.

6. On the face of the said announcement, even after going through this sadistic exercise, and even after being qualified in every way, the General Legal Counsel can always badert that it will not allow the admission of the candidate.

7. The "minimum threshold" required by the entrance examination is not indicated in the advertisement and is therefore subject to abuse.

8. People who have failed would not have the right to protest because the decision of the General Legal Council would be final.

9. Advertising also requires that successful candidates submit police reports stating that they are not criminals. This requirement badumes that certain successful candidates may be criminals and that they should prove that they are not criminals by the "certificates of innocence" that have been established. This is clearly an offense 19. (2) (c) of the 1992 Constitution.

10. In addition, the requirement to produce police reports is not required by Regulation (LI 2355) on the legal profession (Professional Law and Post-Appeal Training) and is therefore unconstitutional and by the Supreme Court of Ghana ruled so in such cases. like Awuni against WAEC (Awuni / WAEC [2003-2004]1SCGLR 471) and Professor Stephen Kweku Asare against the Attorney General and the General Legal Counsel. In the first case, the Supreme Court of Ghana, in a judgment written by Ms. Sophia Akufo, currently President of the Supreme Court of Ghana, ruled that if there was a legal and regulatory way of doing things, it was the best way to do it. In the case of Professor Stephen Kweku Asare against the Attorney General and the General Legal Counsel, supra, the Supreme Court of Ghana confirmed the reasoning of Her Highness Sophia Akufo in Awuni Versus WAEC, supra. In the latter case, the Supreme Court stated: "It is clear from the above statement that when a regulatory power is empowered to legislate, this mode of exercising its powers should be preferred. We believe that a similar observation can be made of the power conferred on the Council by virtue of Article 14 of Law 32. "

The Coalition for Legal Education Reform in Ghana has stated that, for the above reasons, the General Legal Counsel and the Independent Review Panel should withdraw the above-mentioned advertisement with immediate effect and consider the points contained in this document before proceeding. the new publication of the advertisement. that if the General Legal Council duly took into account the points raised in this document, it would withdraw the advertisement and completely abandon the admission examination.


That said, we want to make the following comments;

(a) That no Ghanaian, whatever his position, has the right to obstruct and create obstacles to the legitimate aspirations of other Ghanaians. It's unfit and immoral.

(b) That the so-called moral authority of this country has the duty to express itself when the rights of certain Ghanaians, in particular young people and idealists, are so blatantly and blindly violated by a human rights institution. 39 State, headed by a person no less than the Chief Justice of Ghana.

(c) Again, these acts of these bodies destroy real lives and must be stopped immediately.


With that in mind, we call on all churches and religious organizations, all civil society groups, all political parties and all interest groups, as well as members of parliament and finally the President of Ghana, to stand up. 39; interest in the evolution of legal education in this country. .

We say it because a people who knows his rights, knows when to defend him, and can only do so when he has access to a lawyer and to persons with legal knowledge.

Each appropriate political motive demonstrates that the ideology that drives today the General Legal Council in legal education is backward.

Ghana currently has a population of about thirty million people. Less than three thousand of them are lawyers. This is the direct reason why the courts are stifled and innocent people are languishing in prison, leading to programs as ill-thought as the Justice for All program.

Ghana needs more lawyers, not less.

It is clear that the retrograde measures that we are witnessing today are mainly motivated by the fact of preventing qualified people from having access to professional legal training. It is simply a matter of limiting the number of lawyers in Ghana, while this number is expected to increase. This is not progressive, it is unhealthy and unacceptable.

Finally, we call all holders of LL.B caught in this trap in 2019 and all those who have failed before to start calling their MPs with the simple threat that if these MPs do not follow their course, they Holders of. B, would begin political action across the country to ensure that these MPs do not return to parliament.

Again, LL.B. holders should have the strongest representation at the political party branches at their local levels to ensure that their grievance is at the helm. Each of them should have the courage to take a pen and paper and write to his locals and his political representatives to complain.

To conclude, we hereby submit to the General Legal Counsel, and hereby notice, that it does not publicly withdraw the advertisement placed on page 30 of the Daily Graphic of June 3, 2019, we undertake all permitted actions by the 1992 Constitution to ensure that they listen to the voice of reason

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere in the world. We are caught in a network of essential mutuality, knotted in a single garment of destiny. Anything that directly affects anyone, affects everything indirectly. -Martin Luther King Jr., in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 1963.


Kenneth Kwabena Agyei Kuranchie



June 10, 2019, Accra


The press

President of Ghana, Jubilee House, Accra

Speaker of Parliament, Bureau of Parliament, Accra

The Leader of the Majority, Parliament of Ghana

The leader of the minority, Parliament of Ghana

Chief Justice of Ghana, Supreme Court Building, Accra

Attorney General of Ghana, Public Prosecutor, Accra

Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice

National Chamber of Chiefs, Kumasi, Ashanti Region

Former President Jerry John Rawlings, Ridge, Accra

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor, Accra

Former President John Dramani Mahama, Accra

The president of the new patriotic party, Asylum Down, Accra

President of the National Democratic Congress, Adabraka, Accra

President, People's Party of the Convention, Asylum Down, Accra

President, National Peoples Convention Party, Hog Farm, Accra

The President, Progressive Peoples Party, Coconut Grove Hotel, Accra

Executive Secretary, DDC, Residential Zone of the Airport, Accra

The President, IMANI Ghana


The ambbadador, embbady of the united states, cantonments, Accra

High Commissioner in Ghana, High Commission of the United Kingdom

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