30 ways to lose weight and get rid of your belly


Let's say you drink two bottled sodas a day. With approximately 240 calories each, you'll reduce 3,360 calories a week by simply changing your soft drink for water. That means you'll lose almost a pound, which is 3,500 calories, just by omitting soft drinks.

Even if you do not drink soda, there are dozens of simple and daily habits that you can follow to lose weight. In fact, Andy Yurechko, MD, Dt.P., of Augusta University Medical Center in Georgia, believes that the most effective dieters avoid fashion and focus on long-term sustainable practices.

"A healthier type of diet is something you can do every day of your life," he said.

Start with one of these easy habits today! – and you will lose weight and you will feel better.

1. Have a clear goal. It should be a goal that everyone can measure and understand. Write your goal and keep it posted somewhere as a reminder when you want to give up. If you want to lose weight, get on the scale when you start dieting. Then, weigh yourself every day. Studies show an improvement in weight loss efforts. But do not live and do not die by numbers. And remember that a scale does not decipher between fat and lean mbad, but it can help keep things "in check".

2. Drink the right liquids. First of all, everyone should drink a lot of water because their body needs it to work properly. However, research shows that water can help lose weight. Professor Brenda Davy and her team at Virginia Tech University found that giving 2 cups of water to each person before each meal resulted in greater weight loss after 12 weeks. The reason? It helps to fill you.

Need something more than pure water? Try to add fresh fruit or sip tea. Research indicates that consumption of black, green or white tea is also badociated with lower BMIs and a reduction in adipose tissue.

3. Reduce / eliminate processed carbohydrates and junk food. They do nothing for you apart from creating a favorable environment to grow. If you can not moderate specific treats, keep all fries, dips and cookies out of the pantry. This is not a question of willpower. it is to be realistic. Instead, buy healthy snacks, like jerky, for your glove box or office drawer, so you're ready at any time.

4. Eat more products. They fill you up, provide a lot of fiber and have few calories. Just avoid high-calorie salad dressings. If you have trouble sneaking into vegetables, start each meal with a salad. The salad provides a large volume to help you eat in order to eat fewer calories in general.

Although some people are afraid of fructose, fruits will not make you gain weight, and that includes so-called "high sugar" fruits such as bananas and melons.

5. Lift weights. Develop an exercise program that includes heavy weights. Build more muscle, burn more calories. Make sure to reduce rest time between sets. This keeps your heart rate high, causing an increase in the number of calories burned.

6. Make intervals. A study after study shows that the intervals are more effective and more effective in time than the longer activities performed at a lower intensity.

7. Eat more protein. Replacing refined carbohydrates with lean proteins will not only help you calm down, but will also increase your metabolism, through the thermal effect of foods. While you're at it, adjust your intake so that you consume protein regularly throughout the day, not in a single sum, as most people do at dinner. Every meal and snack should include protein.

8. Do full body exercises. Your exercise program should not focus on one area. Instead, incorporate exercises that use your whole body. Think of squats, deadlifts, push-ups and push-ups. You will get more for your money during each workout. If you have trouble going to the gym after work, wake up early to exercise.

9. Cycle your carbohydrate intake according to your level of activity. Of course, carbohydrates are important. But on days when you do not train, you simply do not need it as much as the days you exercise. Basic rule: The more active you are, the more you can eat carbohydrates, and vice versa. Oatmeal is an excellent complex carbohydrate that fills you more than sugar-rich counterparts.

10. Follow your food. There is no better way to follow what you put in your mouth. Use a free app, such as MyFitnessPal, that makes it easy to connect from anywhere. It is likely that you are eating more than you think, making it a good idea to weigh the food too. This ensures that your follow-up is accurate and that you do not calculate the calories correctly in your food diary. 11. Eat whole eggs. Daily. A study published a few years ago showed that those who ate whole eggs instead of a bagel at breakfast ate less at the next meal. A similar study showed that eating whole eggs increases HDL (good) cholesterol.

12. Have breakfast. A review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that those who had lunch were more successful with maintaining weight in the long run. Other research has shown the same for weight loss. Take hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt, fruit and a handful of nuts, or make a smoothie. This does not need to be complicated.

13. Eat the bulk of your meals in the room Then eat gradually less throughout the day. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that eating most of your calories earlier in the day had a positive influence on weight changes.

14. To burn more calories, stay active. It means not sitting in front of a computer, a TV, a phone, etc. all day. Stay upright and burn more and be more productive. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator can also help you burn more calories. This will not or will not succeed, but every little bit counts when there is physical activity. 15. Do not eat hungry groceries. If you do, you will buy everything in the aisle instead of sticking to your list. And most of the time, the foods you buy when you are hungry are the ones that sabotage your weight loss efforts.

16. Replace the side dishes with steamed vegetables. Restaurants will often replace fries or fries with steamed vegetables. All you have to do is ask.

17. Bake, do not fry. You will save calories and reduce your risk of heart disease. Or use the fat burner in your garden: the grill, which offers a lot of flavor without the need for frying.

18. Do not be extra . Order the vinaigrette separately and dip your fork in the cup and then in the salad. This saves a lot more dressing than if you had to order it on the side and pour the whole cup over the salad. Skip the "Venti lattes" and opt for ordinary coffee. "Designer" coffees can hold 500 or more calories per serving! 19. laugh often. A study presented at the European Congress on Obesity found that those who laughed loudly for about 10 to 15 minutes each day were burning an extra 10 to 40 calories a day. Multiply that by 365 and these calories can be added!

20. eat less. That means opting for a small side of fries instead of a fat one. Avoid buffets and try to leave something on your plate at the end of the meal. When dining out, divide a meal with your date and avoid dessert. Treat cakes, pies and cookies as occasional treats.

21. Do not socialize around food tables at parties. You are more likely to nibble without thinking, even if you may not be hungry.

22. Do not eat the remains of your child. Every small amount of food makes the difference, including what we call "BLT" (bites, licking and tastes).

23. If you have a dog, walk it. It's better for him and for you than to let him out from behind. (Bonus: It will love you even more!) If you do not have a pet, offer to walk the dog to a neighbor. To make friends; losing weight.

24. Reduce your food intake by 100 calories a day. Theoretically, this translates into a loss of almost 1 pound a month (1 pound = 3,500 calories), virtually effortlessly. The use of smaller plates and bowls can help achieve this goal. You will have less space to refuel and it will give less food. Likewise, eating more slowly can reduce extra calories because it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to your stomach to feel that it is full.

25. When possible, walk or bike to do your shopping. You will look fresh, burn a few calories and your heart rate will increase. Buy a pedometer and aim for at least 10,000 steps each day.

26. Plan ahead. If you are unable to plan, you plan to fail.

27. Take pictures before. You will be surprised at the progress you have made

28. Get active friends. If your friends regularly prefer pizzas, wings, nachos and beer, find like-minded people who want to be in good health. Research has suggested that friends improve (or may hurt) success. Join a running club or other group focused on physical activity.

29. Put yourself first. Many people put others ahead of themselves and let their health deteriorate.

30. Remember: it's not all or nothing. If you fall off the train, jump immediately. Do not let yourself fall until all the progress has been lost.

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