Why Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga would not make a good couple


At the news of June 6, actor Bradley Cooper was separated from his girlfriend, model Irina Shayk, and fans began to panic. Not only does the couple share a girl, but they are at the heart of one of the greatest potential love triangles of the past year.

Rumors regularly badociate Cooper with his A star is born co-star Lady Gaga, despite the fact that both denied a love bond. Yet, with Cooper and Gaga both now officially single, speculation is booming about both.

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper share close ties

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga | Jamy / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga met for the first time several years ago, while Gaga was attending a charity event attended by Cooper. The actor was so impressed by the power and breadth of his voice that he immediately considered him as the lead actress of his pbadion film. A star is born.

He exerted strong pressure to include the singer in his film and finally succeeded. The two men spent months together to prepare the film. Gaga was working with Cooper to perfect his performance style in front of a camera.

In the end, both forged a close bond. They screamed at anyone who listened to it, especially during talk shows and media interviews. Soon, fans began to wonder if there was more to their friendship than what went through their heads. Cooper, whose sources claim that he has huge and damning ties with Gaga, was involved with his girlfriend Irina Shayk, while Gaga was dating Christian Carino.

However, only a few months after the start of speculation about the relationship with the co-star, they separated from their loved ones.

Lady Gaga was not the reason why Bradley Cooper broke up with his girlfriend

Although Lady Gaga did not reveal the reason she broke up with Carino, a source claimed that things "just did not work" with the couple and that there was no dramatic story behind the split. Nevertheless, the fans were certain that Cooper was involved in one way or another. When Cooper and Shayk separated a few days ago, it was badumed that Lady Gaga was at the origin of Cooper's new single status.

However, it seems that Cooper and Shayk have been experiencing problems in their relationship for some time. A recent report reveals that Cooper and Shayk did not hear at all and that different work schedules could have played a role in their separation. Other sources have expressed themselves and have stated that Gaga was not involved at all.

It seems that Gaga has played no role in the couple's decision to end their relationship – despite what fans continue to believe.

The relationship would be doomed to failure

For speculative purposes, if Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper decided to start dating, the relationship would be fraught with difficulty from the start. Lady Gaga would be blamed for breaking a family, even if that is not the case at all. While some fans would love to see them together, others would embark on a crusade on the social network, creating a very tense atmosphere.

Plus, the busy work schedules were at the root of the dissolution of previous celebrity relationships and there was no reason to think it would be different for them. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper both have a brilliant career, with projects that lead them all over the world.

Building and maintaining a relationship would probably be very difficult even for people who already have close ties. Overall, it seems that staying friends would be the best course of action for this photogenic couple.

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