How to prevent a bedbug infestation at a holiday hotel (even if you are in a five-star accommodation)


The summer season is upon us and millions of Britons could find themselves sharing hotel rooms with unwanted guests – vile bed bugs.

And Mario Stanchev, a London-based pest control technician, warned travelers that they might inadvertently bring creatures home, even in five-star hotels.

But do not worry, Mario has revealed how to stop the infestations, with tips to keep your luggage in the tub and keep your swimming goggles in the freezer. And he has also released a video of macabre bedbugs to highlight why it is important to follow his advice.

An expert in pest control warns travelers against bed bugs and their threat of accidentally bringing them home.

An expert in pest control warns travelers against bed bugs and their threat of accidentally bringing them home.

He warned, "Do not badume that you are safe from bedbugs because you have booked into a posh five star hotel.

"Even five-star retreats can suffer from an epidemic, simply because bed bugs travel so easily with other tourists.

"If there are signs of bed bugs, just get out of the hotel and find another accommodation.

"It's very important for backpackers who move around frequently and who might be tempted to settle for basic accommodations."

The hateful video he published shows vacationers who did not consider his advice and who found themselves infested.

The first clip shows the terrifying creatures lurking in someone's mattress, while the second is made up of insects crawling on the luggage that the tourist has brought back from his vacation.

To make sure you stay without insects, here are some of Mario's best tips for fighting bed bugs:

At the hotel

Mario, who works for the British company Fantastic Services, said: My advice would be to carry a flashlight and start checking the room even before depositing your luggage. "A look under the sheets will not tell you everything.

• Remove the sheets, take your flashlight and check under the mattress, in the slots of the bed frame and around the headboard. Feel free to offend the hotel staff – you need to know for sure if you are at risk.

Mario and the fantastic services team also revealed horrific pictures of some bed bug infestations that they have treated. A photo shows the body of a man covered in bites after a stay at the hotel

Mario and the fantastic services team also revealed horrific pictures of some bed bug infestations that they have treated. A photo shows the body of a man covered in bites after a stay at the hotel

Mario Stanchev, a pest control technician, photographed studying an infestation

Mario Stanchev, a pest control technician, photographed studying an infestation

What to do if you have a bed bug infestation at home

If you have not taken the right precautions, you could end up with bed bugs at home.

And it is here that professionals must intervene to help.

Mario explained: "An extermination of bed bugs is usually done in two visits, two weeks apart.

"In the first, all the surfaces of the house are treated with an insecticide. And the second visit uses a different insecticide to ensure that insects have no chance of adapting to treatment and surviving.

& # 39; And strange as it may seem, I actually recommend that someone sleep in the room between the two treatments – in order to attract the insects so that they do not hide themselves and to make sure that they pbad through the treated spots and perish! This is also to check for there are still bed bugs in the first place.

For severe infestations, extreme heat treatment is recommended.

A specialized heater raises the temperature of each room up to 56 degrees Celsius, which kills bed bugs at all stages of development in about two hours.

Mario adds, "Bed bugs can be resistant to some harmful products. You must therefore make sure to call a trusted pest control professional.

"Before treatment, you must move all pets, as well as wax items, synthetic materials and electrical equipment. You must also remove all infected bedding and wash it at a temperature of 60 to 90 degrees Celsius, wash all clothes found in the infested room at a temperature of 60 to 90 degrees Celsius and vacuum thoroughly.

And if bed bugs are in your mattress, consider it gone. You will have to replace it.

• Store all your luggage in the bath or shower – the slippery surface prevents insects from slipping into your bag. & # 39;

In addition, place your dirty laundry in a plastic bag and keep it away from the floor. And do not wait to go home to wash your clothes.

# Find a laundry service and clean it at high temperature or dry clean it before taking your flight to the UK. With regard to dry cleaning, the chemical used – perchlorethylene – is reputed to kill bed bugs.

Find a hard surface

Mario said: "Before bringing your bag inside your home, find a place where the surface is not carpeted, then wipe the floor with a damp cloth.

"These two simple tips ensure that bedbugs escape from their luggage will have a hard time finding a new hiding place in your home. Now look for signs of bedbugs in your bag or in your clothes: real insects, molded skin, faecal stains, etc.

The bag

Mario advises: "Put all your clothes and washable belongings in plastic bags and seal them until you are ready to put them in the washing machine. Now set the washing machine to the highest temperature and turn it on. If there are insects, it should kill them before they have the chance to breed.

Great gel

Mario said: "Anything you can not or do not want to wash – books, swimming goggles, gadget cases or your favorite baseball cap – put it in the freezer at -5 ° C for at least five days."


Mario explained: "Once you have eliminated the insects in the washing machine or you have given them the freezing treatment, you can take them out and then let them vacuum completely.

"This is especially important for your bag or suitcase, because you want to make sure that any trace of these critters has been erased. Then you must remove the contents of the vacuum cleaner itself, wrap it in a plastic bag and throw it away immediately. & # 39;

Do not be complacent

Mario said: "Bed bugs are everywhere – and I mean, everywhere. I'm talking about electrical appliances, picture frames, books, children's toys and even a screw head!

"Zippers are another place where you have to be thorough in looking for an infestation because it's a common place to hide."

  • Mario Stanchev is a pest controller in a British company Fantastic services. Other pest control services are available.
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