Lose weight with the best 5 diets of 2019


If you are in a panic with the idea of ​​getting ready for the summer, it is time to relax.

Because you do not have to make extreme efforts to lose weight, lose weight and be healthier all year long.

    Do you want to be fit and slim? You do not have to go too far, just eat like the Italians!


Do you want to be fit and slim? You do not have to go too far, just eat like the Italians!Credit: Getty – Contributor

There are tons of diets, but most of them simply want your money and feed on your insecurities.

That's why experts have grouped the top five diets for 2019 – to help you choose the best weight loss plan for you.

And you know what? The carbohydrate keto diet does not make the list.

The Mediterranean diet is remarkable for heart health, as well as for the sustainable burning of fat and lean muscle mbad gain.

According to Sheffield Hallam Uni scientists, "At least in the short term, the Mediterranean diet significantly improves the availability of nitric oxide in our veins and arteries, which is important for maintaining the health of our vascular system. ".

The author of the study, Markos Klonizakis, wrote in The Conversation: "With respect to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, our work suggests that it is probably best to look for a solution in the Mediterranean diet ".

In the US News & World report, we reveal what other plans have been chosen as the best for fat loss, heart health and diabetes management:

1. Mediterranean diet

    The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet of all


The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet of allCredit: Getty – Contributor

For the second consecutive year, this diet rich in olive oil is at the top of the list thanks to its heavy reliance on fresh vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.

It contains little refined sugar, red meat and processed foods, which is why it has been badociated with reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

It can also improve kidney function and intestinal health.

The NHS explains: "The Mediterranean diet varies by country and region, so it has a range of definitions.

"But in general, it contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.

"This usually includes low consumption of meat and dairy products."

It tends to replace butter with oil, while aromatization comes from herbs and spices rather than salt.

2. DASH diet

    Reducing salt and fat can help lower blood pressure


Reducing salt and fat can help lower blood pressureCredit: Getty – Contributor

Not a diet plan designed for those who are in a hurry, DASH is synonymous with dietary approaches to stop high blood pressure.

It's a plan specifically designed to help lower blood pressure.

It involves reducing your salt intake and eating foods that are rich in heart-healthy minerals such as calcium, potbadium and magnesium.

Again, this implies that you limit the amount of red meat and sugar you consume, as well as the fat.

3. flexitarian diet

    It is not enough to completely eliminate food groups, but to reduce


It is not enough to completely eliminate food groups, but to reduceCredit: Alamy

You can not stand the thought of completely stopping the meat?

You do not have to do it, but you can limit your consumption to once or twice a week.

It has been proven that significantly reducing the amount of meat you eat is effective in the fight against heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

In fact, flexitarians can reduce their chances of developing diabetes by 28% simply by reducing the number of times they eat meat (those who become vegans see their chances halved).

What about the keto?

Keto is often hailed by bodybuilders and dieters as the best way to lose body fat and gain or maintain lean muscle.

But he did not actually win any category and is tied with Atkins (which most people accept is a dangerous plan) and Weight Watchers for fasting dieting.

Keto works by forcing the body to use its own fat intake to produce energy.

It does so by depriving external sources of sugar – especially carbohydrates. You are always supposed to eat a pile of vegetables, so you keep your fiber and vitamins high, but many people on a keto diet may not adhere to it.

The problem is that it is a very restrictive diet and many researches have recently confirmed that carbohydrates are essential to health, that it seems a little counterintuitive and unsustainable to remove them.

By saying this, keto is supposed to be ideal for people who resist insulin and struggle to lose weight, even if they eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Women with severe PCOS can benefit from the keto for a short time while regaining their blood sugar level.

4. MIND scheme

    MIND encourages dieters to have a glbad of wine a day


MIND encourages dieters to have a glbad of wine a dayCredit: Getty – Contributor

MIND is the abbreviation of Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. There is a plan combining Med and DASH regimens in the hope of improving brain health.

While the jury has not yet determined whether you can seriously get away with it, the experts commended the MIND regime for encouraging such healthy attitudes towards food and nutrition.

Every day, plan members are told that they must eat at least three servings of whole grains, a salad, another vegetable and a glbad of wine.

It seems easy enough!

5. WW (weight watchers)

    Oprah lost weight with WW


Oprah lost weight with WWCredit: Getty – Contributor

WW – formerly known as Weight Watchers – was actually tied with MIND for the best diet in general.

But he came first for the best diet for weight loss and the best commercial diet.

It badigns point values ​​to foods based on their calories, sugar, saturated fat and protein content.

The healthiest foods have zero points, which means you can eat as much as you want.

You get a total of daily points that you meet while keeping a food diary.

2019 ranking of the best diets in the United States

Best overall diets
1. Mediterranean diet
2. DASH Diet
3. flexitarian diet

Best commercial schemes
1. WW (weight watchers)
2. Jenny Craig
3. Nutritional diet

Best dieting
1. WW (weight watchers)
2. Volumetrics
3. Flexitarian diet (tie)
3. Jenny Craig (tie)
3. Vegan diet (tie)

Best fast diets
1. HMR scheme
2. Atkins (tie)
2. Keto Diet (tie)
2. OPTAVIA (tie)
2. WW (weight watchers) (tie)

Best diets to eat healthily
1. Mediterranean diet
2. DASH Diet
3. flexitarian diet

The easiest diets to follow
1. Mediterranean diet
2. Flexitarian regime (tie)
2. WW (weight watchers) (tie)

Best Diets for Diabetes
1. Mediterranean diet
2. DASH Diet (tie)
2. Flexitarian regime (tie)
2. Mayo Clinic Diet (tie)
2. Volumetrics (tie)

Best healthy diets for the heart
1. Mediterranean diet (tie)
1. Ornish diet (tie)
3. DASH Diet

To see the full list of plans, click here

"Whether you're trying to lose weight or manage your cholesterol, the 2019 Best Diets Ranking offers every person the opportunity to evaluate the diet plan that best suits him and respond to its special needs, "said Angela Haupt, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of American News.

"By profiling and providing detailed data on more than 40 diets, as well as meal samples, consumers can count on US News to get the tools they need to feel able to change their lifestyle." and their well-being in full knowledge of the facts. "

As we say, there is not a single diet for every person.

What will work for someone may not match your goals or your lifestyle.


Weight loss tips to reverse type 2 diabetes – from the Mediterranean diet to keto

But if you're looking to be healthy, many of these diets seem to have common feelings – reduce sugar and red meat and fill up on whole grains and vegetables.

It's easier said than done for many and if you need additional support, you could do a lot worse than register for a local WW group.

After all, if it worked for Oprah …

Jacqueline Jossa reveals that she has lost a stone and a half since her baby Mia, 12 weeks ago, with a liquid diet

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