The Subregional Coordination Mechanism for Eastern and Southern Africa pledges to support CAFTA and industrialization in both regions


The 2019 Annual Meeting of Stakeholders on the Subregional Coordination Mechanism (SRCM) for Eastern and Southern Africa adopts a statement of results to take steps to reposition itself in the achievement of both Agenda 2063 and 2030.

Established in November 2010, as a subsidiary of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), the Subregional Coordination Mechanisms (SRCMs) provide a framework for the support of the United Nations system to the African Union (AU). ), its new African Development Partnership Program (NEPAD), Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs).

The meeting was convened by the United Nations Economic Commission, Subregional Offices for Eastern and Southern Africa (SRO-EA / SA), on the theme "Promoting Industrialization Through the Zone". Continental Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA): The Role of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) in Eastern and Southern Africa ".

Said Adejomubi, Director of the CEA-Southern Africa Office, welcomed the participants on behalf of the entire United Nations family. He informed the meeting that "working together collaboratively is not a choice but a necessity for UN agencies, RECs and IGOs". Africa's Development Challenges – Poverty, inequality and increasing youth unemployment require all partners to work together to put Southern and Eastern regions on a path to sustainable growth and development. "The SRCM for Eastern and Southern Africa offers this unique opportunity to do so". He added

The meeting brought together over 40 delegates from relevant SRCM organizations / institutions for Eastern and Southern Africa, including the African Union (AU), RECs, IGOs ​​and UN agencies. In both subregions.

The first session, on intra-UN collaboration through SRCM, was chaired by Charles Kwenin, Acting Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for Eastern and Southern Africa. Mr. Kwenin applauded the commitment of UN agencies to move the agenda forward. The UN family has agreed on the need to work collaboratively to support the implementation of AfCFTA and industrialization initiatives by maximizing synergies within the UN.

The second session was a meeting of AUC focal points, RECs and intergovernmental organizations for the SRCM to define strategies to promote effective collaboration and coordination within the SRCM. In his main statement, H.E. Amb. Kipyego Cheluget commended ECA, as secretariat, all UN agencies, RECs and intergovernmental organizations for "effectively playing their role in supporting the SRCM process since its inception through regular stakeholder meetings and ensuring continuous follow-up of recommendations ". He emphasized that the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa and its subregional coordination mechanisms have become key frameworks enabling the United Nations family to work together to support the priorities of the AU and the United Nations. its organs, the RECs and other intergovernmental organizations on the continent.

After two days of consultations, the meeting adopted a draft outcome document, the main recommendation of which was "to strengthen the collective action of various United Nations agencies in order to strengthen the support provided to the Commission. the African Union, its organs, its Member States, its RECs and its intergovernmental organizations. achievement of objectives 2030 and 2063 ".

The meeting is also expected to contribute to improving knowledge on AfCFTA, including gender and AfCFTA, and its role in promoting regional industrialization. It was concluded that the support provided to RECs, intergovernmental organizations and Member States by the United Nations should include programs and initiatives aimed at combating migration, gender equality, human rights and human rights. skills.

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