Dragon Star Varnir – Available Now – GAMEtainment


Reef Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of the epic JRPG Dragon Star Varnir To announce. The game is now available on PlayStation 4.

sure Dragon Star Varnir:

The knight Zephy is part of an order whose purpose is to hunt wizards, cursed who give birth to dragons. When Zephy almost dies in one of these badignments, he is saved by two witches and kept alive with Dragon's Blood.

Equipped with magical powers, Zephy discovers that her fate seems tied to that of the witches and joins their fight against the Empire and the witch hunters.

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Dragon Star Varnir

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Dragon Star Varnir

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main characteristics:
Three levels to be feared – In this unique turn-based combat system, players are spoiled for choice as they battle the dragons at three different levels. The strategy and disposition of the dragons, adapted to the strengths and weaknesses, are crucial to victory.

Raising the inner dragon – During an attack on the enemy, the player fills his "Dragon Gauge". When this display is filled, the player can unleash the power of the dragons.

Different possibilities – Once a friendly dragon is weakened, the player can use one of his abilities to unlock a special skill tree suitable for that kite. The more skills there are, the better.

Madness or wealth -Three witches rely on you to bring them the blood of the dragons who feed them. If they are starving, they go crazy. If they receive too much food, they themselves become dragons. It's up to the player to feed them or starve them for unique items.

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