Why you might want to think twice before lighting this grill


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CNN – Sometimes nothing is more satisfying than eating a good old hamburger.

But, doing it in moderation may be more important than you would have understood.

A new study of the nurses' health study and the follow-up study of health professionals showed that your red meat eating habits may be related to your risk of premature death.

The study followed dietary patterns and mortality risk for more than 50,000 women and nearly 28,000 men in the United States from 1986 to 2010.

Researchers found that after eight years, an increase of at least half a serving per day of processed red meat was badociated with a risk of premature death of thirteen percent and a 9 percent increase for meat red not transformed.

Doctors suggest that eating less red meat and replacing it with other sources of protein, such as poultry, fish, nuts and whole grains, could actually help your heart and make you live longer.

Your strategy should be to focus on foods that can not only reduce your risk of premature death, but also reduce the risk of chronic disease.

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association responded that the data from the study are more than 20 years old and may not represent modern eating habits. Let's add that today's beef is (quote) "high quality protein, iron and zinc to strengthen a balanced diet".


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