Big red meat eaters are more likely to die


Red meat

Red meat is badociated with a higher risk of death, the researchers warned. TNS

The increase in the consumption of red meat, especially processed red meat, is badociated with a higher risk of death, the researchers warned.

A study published in the BMJ newspaper shows that replacing red meat with other sources of protein, such as eggs and fish, whole grains and vegetables, can help you, over time, to to live longer.

For the study, a team of researchers from Harvard University examined the relationship between the evolution of red meat consumption over an eight-year period and the mortality rate over the next eight years, from 1986 to the end of the follow-up in 2010.

They used data from 53,553 registered US nurses, aged 30 to 55, and 27,916 American health professionals aged 40 to 75, free of cardiovascular disease and cancer at the start of the study .

Every four years, participants received a meal frequency questionnaire (FFQ). They were asked how often, on average, they ate each standard-size food in the past year. They were then divided into five categories according to the evolution of their consumption of red meat.

During the study period, the total number of all-cause deaths was 14,019 (8,426 females and 5,593 males). The main causes were cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases and neurodegenerative diseases.

After adjusting for age and other potentially influential factors, the increase in total red meat consumption of 3.5 or more servings per week over an eight-year period was badociated with at a higher risk of death of 10% over the next eight years.

Overall, reducing the consumption of red meat while consuming more whole grains, vegetables or other protein foods, such as skinless poultry, eggs and fish, was badociated with a lower risk of death in men and women.

Indo-Asian Information Service

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