According to a report, Opel ordered to recall cars Adam and Corsa


FRANKFURT – The German automotive regulator has ordered Opel to recall certain gasoline cars because they exceeded emissions limits, Bild am Sonntag reported, without saying where he got the information.

The Adam and Corsa models "seriously" exceed the levels of nitrogen oxide allowed when they are used on the road, the newspaper said without quoting anyone.

The order concerns 210 000 vehicles, of which 54 000 in Germany, according to estimates. Bild.

The quality badessment done by Opel revealed that the Lambda controls of some models of Adam and Corsa dating from 2018 and 2019 are not "sufficiently robust" at high speed, said a spokesman for # 39; Opel. This means that cars that have traveled more than 50,000 km (31,000 miles) could exceed the limits of nitrogen oxides during their lifetime, he said.

Opel began informing customers two months ago so that they could update the affected cars' software, the spokesman said in an email.

Opel has previously said Frankfurt prosecutors were investigating emissions from diesel cars and cooperating with the authorities.

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