"Let's not be shy" – Otchere-Darko calls for debate on the economy of marijuana


General News of Sunday, June 16, 2019

Source: clbadfmonline.com


Gabby Asare Otchere Darko US Nuclear Power Station Founder of the Danquah Institute

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, founder of the Danquah Institute, said that Ghana should not hesitate to hold a national debate on whether to take advantage of the economy or not marijuana, which is in full swing, with several countries decriminalizing its use for medical purposes.

With the help of a recent report by Forbes on the Anglican Church's investments in the marijuana sector with his $ 10.5 billion fund, Otchere-Darko asked: "Are we going to have a (constructive and mature) debate on Ghana's gain on the new legitimate trade in cannabis for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, etc.? "

The Marijuana Business Daily, for example, predicts that the US cannabis industry could inject nearly $ 80 billion a year into the country's economy by 2022.

In addition, according to the daily, estimates published in the recently published Marijuana Business Factbook, indicate that the total economic impact of legal marijuana sales has increased from $ 20 billion – $ 23 billion in 2017 to $ 63 billion – 77 billion by 2022, an increase of 223%.

In comparison, the $ 77 billion figure is similar to New Hampshire's gross domestic product in 2017, which stands at $ 81 billion, according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, reported the Marijuana Business Daily.

In the opinion of Mr Asare Otchere-Darko, Ghana must have "a frank debate on the advantages and disadvantages of Ghana as an integral part of this economy".

A group of Rastafarians were already calling for the decriminalization of marijuana to strengthen the economy.

The group is supposed to organize a demonstration to advance this program.

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