Akufo-Addo negotiates the release of a Ghanaian and Nigerian national from Trinidad and Tobago Prison


A Ghanaian and two Nigerians incarcerated in Trinidad and Tobago for immigration offenses are about to recover their freedom after President Akufo-Addo's intervention.

The Ghanaian, Musa Ibrahim, was arrested by agents of the Trinidad and Tobago border agency while traveling by sea with his child in neighboring Venezuela. During his arrest, they asked that he call his wife so that she would show up at the immigration office to prove that he had links with Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago. When his wife responded to the request, the officials handed him the couple's daughter and imprisoned him.

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Nana Akufo-Addo, who is on a five-day tour of the Caribbean region, urged Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Keith Rowley to forgive the immigrant at the bilateral meeting of the two leaders.

"I have good news. the Ghanaian jailed for immigration problems, Prime Minister Rowley badured me that he was going to be released. This is for the honor of my visit, "he told the Ghanaian community.

Little has been said about the other two West African nationals who also benefited from the visit, but the Ghanaian leader informed the gathering that they would also be released, integrated into the community and allowed to stay.

The president also advised Ghanaians who are planning to visit the island of a population of 1.3 million residents to abide by the laws of this country and live in peace with the people.

– Daily guide

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