Al Khelaifi slams Mbappe, Neymar and co.


Maybe he's tired of looking like the rich man who solves all the problems by spending more. He is tired of seeing how much investment does not receive the rewards that he was expecting, especially in the Champions League and he sent a warning to his players for next season.

"Players will have to accept responsibilityeven more than before. It must be completely different. They will have to do more, work more. There is no room here to have fun. And if they do not agree, the doors are open for them to leave. Ciao! I do not want someone to behave like a star, "he said forcefully.

If this threat is implemented or if it is not welcomed by those of Mbappe and Neymar, Real Madrid could rub his hands with joy. And the thing is that Florentino Perez's comments on the refusal to sign the young Frenchman out of respect for the PSG.

In other words, if he wants to leave, the club will try to sign it. Kylian Mbappe is Zinedine Zidane's dream to complete what he considers a leading team to do great things and try to start a new period of domination in Europe.

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