A man who stabbed his wife several times for arresting a prostitute


Crime & Punishment of Sunday, June 16, 2019

Source: clbadfmonline.com


Prostituted husband Kofi was arrested by the police on an information

A fugitive husband, who stabbed his wife several times in the head for refusing to allow her to use her money to pay a prostitute, was arrested and under the influence of the Nima police command. .

Known only as Kofi, the father of two was arrested by the police on an information.

According to sources from ClbadFMonline.com, he should be brought to trial on Monday, June 17, 2019.

The victim, Akua, said that the incident occurred on Monday, May 27, 2019 in Kanda, Accra.

According to Akua, her husband spent the night outside.

He returned home the next morning in the company of a prostitute who claimed payment for his night services.

Akua, a hairdresser, said her husband stole her money to pay the prostitute, an action that sparked a heated discussion between them.

Akua said that in the evening of the same day, she felt a sharp pain in her skull while she was sleeping, only to wake up and see her husband stabbing her several times with a knife.

The victim stated that she had begged him to stop and called for help.

Fearing the consequence of his actions, the suspect escaped from the scene.

Akua said she was rescued by her neighbors who had taken her to the hospital and reported the incident to the police.

Akua said that she wanted her husband to be arrested and jailed for attempting to kill her.

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