Are Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou still together?


After several years, 90 days of the Fiancé Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou still have not tied the knot. Now, many fans are wondering if the couple is still together. The relationship was stormy to say the least, as Azan Tefou repeatedly failed to obtain a visa. In the meantime, it seems that Tefou has met other women and solicited payments from Nicole Nafziger for a company that may not even exist. To top it off, the couple has canceled the wedding several times now – that does not mean exactly commitment.

Nicole admits cheating – Azan cheats too?

It's no secret that relations between Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou have been difficult – and in fact, they have not even been faithful. In a confession to Azan, Nicole revealed that she had been unfaithful in the past. Since then, new allegations have been made, suggesting this time that Azan is cheating on Nicole.

A source claiming to be one of the ex-Azan contacted YouTuber Keith Brookes, and in a video now unavailable, Brookes revealed what the source had to say about Azan. The woman claimed to be a 23-year-old Spanish woman and revealed that Azan had friends in several countries.

According to this source, Azan is simply trying to make his way to the United States, and if he can do it through a woman, the better. The source states that Azan had friends in South Korea, Japan, England and Russia.

"The whole relationship is really a joke," said the informant. "He intends to marry Nicole, as soon as he can, he will just want to divorce, then bring his girlfriend from Morocco, bring her to the United States and marry her." Everything is really fishy. "

Several marriages canceled

The first marriage of Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou was canceled when Nicole made a mistake during the visa application process. Nicole failed to obtain the proper documentation. The couple tried to organize a wedding a second time, and this one was also postponed.

In an interview on Instagram, Nicole tried to explain why they had decided to postpone their second marriage attempt. "Why did not you really get married when you were supposed to do it?" Asked a fan.

Nafziger replied, "Too much pressure, not enough time or money. You can not rush into that kind of thing. Do it at the right time and it was not the right time yet. "

This being the second report, some fans may have found this answer a bit vague. People are always curious about why there has not been a wedding yet. For many, this second failed marriage was felt like a knell.

Where are they now?

This may surprise fans, but it turns out that Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou are still together. In fact, Nicole posted a picture of Azan on Instagram on May 15th.

Nicole subtitled the photo, "My man falls in love with every day." This seems to indicate that the couple is still together and that, if their past suggests, they might soon be trying to marry a woman. other marriage.

Around the same time, Nicole started answering questions and stalling rumors about her Instagram story. Nicole wrote, "I do not send money to Azan regularly. May's busy well and very happy. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, Azan loves me as much as I love him. Yes, I know that I am worthy to be loved by someone who treats me well and Azan is that man. "

Nicole also announced that the couple would create a YouTube channel. "You do not know Azan at all like his family or myself … The only people who will" finally open their eyes "are you, once you see that our journey will continue on YouTube … I [have known] Azan for three and a half years. Azan is not a "stranger". "

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