Universities to follow students after graduation | Social


Ghana's new Higher Education Policy (TEP) requires all higher education institutions in the country to monitor the outcomes of their students in the labor market after graduation.

According to the policy, universities, polytechnics and technical universities are obliged to:
"Conduct follow-up studies of their graduates every three years and report back to the regulator."

According to the 80-page policy document, "higher education institutions must have appropriate information management systems in place to capture the rate of progression and attrition of each course, program and training.
institution as a whole and reports annually to the regulator. "

It states that "the regulator needs to design and implement a higher education management information system that allows for simple and reliable data extraction and badysis to inform policy".

The preparation of the new education policy began in February 2017 and was approved by Cabinet on May 9, 2019.

A bill on public universities is being prepared to support this policy.

This was brought to light at a forum on higher education reforms held on Friday, June 14, 2019 in Accra.

The forum was intended to raise awareness and raise awareness of higher education policy and its implications for legislative and institutional reform.

Political structures

The policy is divided into five structures: governance and management, equity and access, quality and relevance, funding, cross-cutting issues.

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