The UEFA scout said the La Liga was the best for Kangin Lee; Jungmin eyes Kim, Gwangyeon Lee


가 본 U-20 대표팀: 스페인 리그 에 최적

By finishing second in the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Poland this year, the Korea team has achieved one of the greatest achievements in its history.
For an badysis of the key factors that underlie the stellar performance of young Taegeuk Warriors and the future of young players like Lee Kang-in of Valencia … we have online Mads Davidsen, UEFA's professional football coach and himself a scout. Join us from London.

Welcome to the show, Mads. It's a pleasure to have you.

While some may be disappointed to see the team be content with the money, the Koreans were certainly not among the few favorite champions in the lead up to the World Cup.
What do you think of the Korea team's performances in the round of 16, semi-finals and finals?

South Korean star Lee Kang-in, 18, illuminated the under-20s of this summer as Korea reached the final. Of course, he received the Golden Ball of the competition for the best player.
Did he leave you an impression too?

Rumors say that the Dutch powers Ajax and PSV are interested in Lee, while Real Madrid also seems to be a big fan, with an interest going back a few months. However, both members of the Eredivisie prefer a transfer rather than a loan agreement. In your opinion, what is the best deal for the young person from Valencia?

Tournaments like the U-20 World Cup offer scouts a unique opportunity to enjoy the abundance of exposed talent. Apart from Lee Kang-in, are there any other players in the Korean team, caught in your radar?

Players like Lee Kang-in are still young and are at the beginning of their football career. Although we have seen some excellent players like Cristiano Ronaldo or David Beckham after being on the verge of winning huge feats as junior footballers … we have also seen promising young footballers fail after being called the next Lionel Messi or the next Diego Maradona. How to manage these burgeoning talents that have attracted global attention?

Mads Davidsen, Technical Director and Football Consultant, thank you very much for having spoken to us today.

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