Auditor General recognizes government support


General News of Monday, June 17, 2019



DOMELEVO AUDITOR Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo

The Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo, seems to be enthusiastic about the support and cooperation he receives from the Akufo-Addo government.

He thinks it has helped him in fulfilling his constitutional duty, unlike any other government.

Speaking recently at the Audit Service / OccupyGhana Anniversary Conference in Accra, he openly admitted that "the executive has been supportive".

Even though he said that the problem of Africa, is that we have set up all these structures and that we do not finance them, he did not hesitate to add "but in Ghana, I did not receive everything I wanted, but substantial support. "

"I must say that the executive has played its role. I hope you know when there was a change of government, the first announcement we heard was a ban on buying vehicles … but it was the time when the government gave us permission to buy 34 vehicles to support the audit service. We have never bought 10 vehicles in the history of the Audit Service, but this permission has been granted until today, some people have a hard time getting the necessary permissions to recruit staff, "Domelevo said. , obviously exalted, to his audience at the British Council Hall in Accra.

Apart from that, he said "to date, we have recruited from 2017 to date more than 400 additional people just to help us do our job."

He could not but emphatically note that "I must say that this was a collaboration and I like it a lot."

For his part, Vice President Bawumia said that the government of Nana Akufo-Addo is intensifying the fight. He indicated that over the past two years, the financial and human resources available to the Auditor General to fulfill his constitutional mandate have increased.

He revealed that the total budget for "Goods and Services", which is also the money used to finance the audit activities conducted by the Ghana Audit Service, was raised at 14 million GH ¢ in 2016, but only 9 million GH ¢ were paid to the service.

In 2017, however, he noted that the current administration had paid GH ¢ 19 million to the audit service for goods and services, while in 2018, a total of 33 million GH ¢ had been released and that the budget for 2019 was 35 million GH ¢.

Similar increases in allowances and outflows, according to him, have been made for the CHRAJ.

He therefore noted that "the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Government is putting in place the systems and institutions that will help us to move forward".

As a government, Mr. Bawumia said: "We remain committed to making corruption unattractive on a sustainable basis" and called for collaboration and strengthening of institutions mandated by the Constitution and other laws of the country to protect public finances.

The Vice-President applauded all the daring citizens who are fighting against corruption and the embezzlers.

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