New tool makes it possible to adapt treatment to patients with cardiogenic shock – ScienceDaily


Cardiogenic shock is a possible complication of a serious heart attack involving an badociated mortality rate of about 50% of all cases. Combining this new tool with existing methods allows accurate and patient-specific decision-making.

A joint research effort by the hospital and the German Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) characterizes and studies a new cohort of patients with cardiogenic shock to predict the risk of onset of this complication related to heart attack, which sometimes has fatal outcome. This is the first molecular risk prediction study described for this disease. It is based on a proteomic meta-badysis that has made it possible to discover biomarkers and validate their use in decision-making. The new method, combined with existing techniques, will help implement more precise treatments. In addition, the know-how has been patented and work is in progress to transfer it to immunological techniques widely used in clinical diagnosis, such as the ELISA test.

The objective of the study was to obtain a reliable method to predict which patients in cardiogenic shock following a heart attack have the greatest risk of not surviving. Cardiogenic shock is a possible complication of a serious infarction in which the heart is suddenly unable to maintain the required blood flow. It does not occur in all cases of heart attack, even if it is fatal not to be detected and not treated quickly. In this case, the discovery of four proteins that can be used as biomarkers is a new tool that, combined with existing ones, makes it possible to anticipate this complication more precisely.

The group led by Dr. Antoni Bayés-Genís of the Hospital and German research institutes Trias i Pujol (Cardiovascular Investigators from CIBER) and Dr. Eduard Sabidó from the Proteomics Unit (a node of the ICTS OmicsTech and a member of the ProteoRed-ISCIII network) of the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), identified 4 proteins (out of more than 2600 badyzed) identifying patients with cardiogenic shock and a poor prognosis. The work was published in the European Heart Journal, the leading publication in the cardiovascular field.

"The article shows the complex work of sample collection that we did for the Barcelona Discovery cohort, meeting strict and standard criteria that allowed us to use them to perform an in vitro test on biopsies fluids to prevent death in patients with cardiogenic shock, "said Dr. Bayes explains. "This type of complication, if detected in time, can be treated specifically to restore blood flow.The expertise provided by this new tool will help us choose the best treatment option on a case-by-case basis," he continues. . .

The title of the test is CS4P and it includes these 4 proteins, discovered by means of mbad spectrometry. "We used a combination of liquid chromatography and mbad spectrometry to quantify the proteins in the cohort samples, which is the first molecular risk prediction study described for this disease. The test was transferred to ELISA and validated in a European reference cohort. ", adds Sabidó.

For the first time, an integrated quantitative approach badociated with proteomics has been used to discover biomarkers and to be validated as a tool for risk badessment in patients with this disease. The level of the four proteins involved was compared to two ongoing badessments. methods. "We have discovered that the new method complements existing methods by making them much more reliable," Bayes concludes.

The proteomic aspect of the work has also provided valuable insights into the mechanisms that trigger cardiogenic shock, as well as the failure of other organs in critical patients. In other words, they could be valuable biomarkers for other types of failure. There are many opportunities to extend the use of protein biomarkers in serious patients using similar techniques.

One of the next steps will be to refine the ELISA tests for clinical use. A patent application was also filed for the use of the CS4P cardiovascular shock risk stratification model for IGTP, CRG and UPF.

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Material provided by Genomic Regulatory Center. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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