Boys at Tamale Nuclear Power Plant Lock Up Office of the National Sports Authority


Sports News from Monday, June 17, 2019



OFFICE OF TAMALE2 Karim Abdul Rafiq led the group to close the offices

Supporters of the new ruling Patriotic Party closed the offices of the National Sports Authority (ANS) in the northern capital Tamale on Monday morning.

Led by a man who identifies as Karim Abdul Rafiq, the party's youth group says they oppose the alleged reinstatement of NSA director Alhbadan Salamatu.

According to Martina Bugri, Northern Regional Correspondent for Joy News, the director was one of three other executives who were transferred from the NSA's northern office.

Abdul Rafiq added that the group includes the notorious militia group Kandahar Boys, affiliated with the new ruling patriotic party.

The group that accused the director, Salamatu, of making a management error claims to have heard of his reinstatement.

"All we want is that she honors her transfer and leaves the office," Rafiq said.

They also accuse him of using political influence to obtain the revocation of his transfer. "We do not want any of this," Rafiq asked.

The group informed JoyNews that it would keep the keys of the premises until the director honored the transfer.

Martina also reported that NSA staff had asked the Sports Minister and the President not to reinstate the besieged director.

Staff spoke of embezzlement, fueling disunity among staff among the reasons he wanted to leave Salamatu.

Speaking to the media, the NSA's administrator in Tamale, Samuel Nii Oblie, described the circumstances in which he and the other staff members had been evicted from the premises.

"We were working and they asked us to go out and then locked the place," said Nii Oblie.

According to him, they called the police and informed them of the attack perpetrated in the offices, but 45 minutes later, at the time of the report, the forces of the order still had not arrived .

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