Russia abandons prosecution for extortion against journalist | New


A Russian court released a newspaper editor who was prosecuted for extortion in the wake of the outcry sparked by his supporters and international organizations.

Igor Rudnikov, founder and editor of the weekly Novye Kolesa (New Wheels) in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, had been in detention since November 2017, accused of extorting $ 50,000 from an investigator main.

The prosecution had required a ten-year sentence of imprisonment in a strict regime prison colony for the 53-year-old.

The supporters had strongly disputed the accusations, claiming that they were a punishment for his independent journalism.

On Monday, a district court of the second largest city of Russia, St. Petersburg, said that there was no reason to convict him of extortion, but it was convicted of a less serious charge of having acted without lawful authorization.

The judge released him because the new charges are not punishable in prison.

He has been sentenced to work in the general interest, but he is exempted because of the time spent in detention.

S then addressing reporters, Rudnikov said he was surprised by the verdict.

"I thought justice would prevail two to six years ago but I did not think it would happen today," he said.

In June 2017, Rudnikov's newspaper claimed that the chairman of the powerful Kaliningrad region investigation committee, Viktor Ledenev, was the owner of a luxury country house that he did not have. had not declared an badet.

Several months later, Rudnikov was severely beaten and arrested.

Supporters and international organizations have condemned the case against Rudnikov. Reporters Without Borders said he was "a victim of politically motivated reprisals".

Monday's court decision is a rare victory for the Russian human rights community and independent journalists. It comes shortly after the abandonment of criminal proceedings against the Moscow journalist Ivan Golunov.

Golunov, an investigative journalist from Meduza, a Russian-based website based in Latvia, a member of the EU, was arrested this month after police apparently drugged him, an affair as well. perceived by supporters as a punishment for his reporting.

Golunov was released last week and charges against him were dropped after his supporters launched an unprecedented public campaign for his defense.

The case has raised many questions about the functioning of Russian law enforcement.

Kremlin critics say that drug or extremist drug charges are commonly used in Russia to silence activists or settle scores with opponents in conflict.

More journalists still detained

Rudnikov said that he could not rule out the fact that his release was the result of the Golunov case.

"I am very happy that the charges against him are lifted and I hope that the culprit will be punished," he said.

Reporters Without Borders welcomes the release of Rudnikov.

"Those who beat and imprisoned Igor Rudnikov for 20 months must be brought to justice," said AFP Johann Bihr, head of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Monitoring Group's office.

"This victory shows once again that it is possible to snatch journalists from prison in Russia."

Six journalists remain unjustly detained in Russia, according to the watchdog.

President Vladimir Putin last week dismissed two high-ranking police officers after Golunov's arrest, but there have been no public statements on the possible grounds for the installation of the police .

Last week, nearly 3,000 people took part in an unauthorized march to demand widespread police and court reform.

The protest was brutally repressed and more than 500 people were arrested, according to OVD-Info, a rights group that monitors detentions.

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