World War 3: The least peaceful countries of the world unveiled | Travel News | Trip


Fears of the Third World War are increasing as speculation hovers over the fact that the United States may be on the brink of a large-scale conflict with Iran. On Thursday, the Japanese Kokuja Courageous and Norwegian ship Front Altair came from Saudi Arabia when they were ambushed in the Gulf of Oman. US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was quick to point out Iran for "unprovoked attack," saying the US had based its badessment on the information from the weapon that would have been used and "similar recent Iranian attacks launched". However, Iran has denied these accusations. With the Third World War a worrying possibility, which are the most hostile countries to avoid if the worst should happen?

This year's World Peace Index (IPS) 2019 has revealed the world's least peaceful countries – something that should be avoided in the event of a global conflict.


Afghanistan is now the least peaceful country in the world – a place previously occupied by Syria.

The number and duration of internal conflicts that have been fought has increased in Afghanistan. There has also been an increase in the number of deaths in conflicts.

The country also experienced a 20% deterioration in the feeling of security – how safe the respondents felt when walking alone at night.

The GPI said: "In Afghanistan, confidence in the military has dropped by more than 31 percentage points over the last five years, which is consistent with a sharp deterioration of calm over the same period."

Confidence in the police has also dropped. "In the past year, Afghanistan has experienced the greatest

deterioration of trust in the local police, down 32 percentage points, "said GPI." Finally, drought is a major concern.


Syria was once the least peaceful country in the world before being replaced by Afghanistan, which took it to the background.

According to GPI: "Syria, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic have engaged

the highest economic cost of violence in 2018 as a percentage of GDP, accounting for 67%, 47% and 42% of GDP, respectively ".

South Sudan

South Sudan ranked third in last place in the 2019 World Peace Index. South Sudan – with Iraq, Libya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Korea Northern Nigeria and Mexico – has 10% or more of its population in high-risk climate zones, or 103.7 million people at risk.

The GPI added: "At regional level, sub-Saharan Africa has the least capacity to react to climate hazards, which could exacerbate climate-related violent conflicts. There are 122 million people in danger in the region. "


This is the first year since the beginning of the World Peace Index that Yemen is among the five least peaceful countries.

According to the GPI: "Yemen recorded the second largest deterioration, deteriorating in all three areas last year and falling two places to become the second least peaceful country in the world.

"Yemen remains the site of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. More than 24 million people, or 80% of the population, need protection and badistance, while help has been repeatedly blocked.

"Four years of military stalemate between Houthi rebels and the Yemeni armed government backed by the United States and backed by the United States continued until 2019.

"A ceasefire in Hodeida – a major port city constituting one of the last crossings for badistance to more than eight million famine victims – was negotiated in December 2018, but neither party withdrew its troops in April 2019. "Yemen also faces a high risk of tsunamis. "


Iraq is the fifth least peaceful country in the world by 2019. It has improved for ten indicators and has deteriorated for only four.

"The staffing rate of the armed forces and the number of refugees and displaced persons in the general population have registered the greatest improvements, and the country's scores for the political terror scale have also improved considerably. . The impact of terrorism has also decreased, "said the GPI.

Iraq (and Somalia) are also distinguished by a very high risk of multiple climatic hazards.

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