Rituals of the summer solstice: how to celebrate the beginning of summer this week


The summer solstice, also called mid-summer, is the longest day of the year. And, weather permitting, we can enjoy 17 hours of sunshine this Friday. June 21 officially marks the beginning of summer for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, but the solstice also has another meaning for pagans and druids.

The solstice means rebirth and is also an opportunity to recognize the power of the sun, which is at its highest point in the sky.

In addition to celebrating life and growth, the sun begins to slowly descend to shorter, cooler days.

Stonehenge, the ancient stone circle of Wiltshire, is traditionally the gathering place for thousands of partygoers who come en mbade to watch the sun set on the day of summer.

Although the exact purpose of Stonehenge remains a mystery, it is believed that the site has already been an ancient temple aligned with the movements of the Sun.

Other theories related to its role include an astronomical calculator for predicting eclipses and solar events, and an ancestor worship and healing center.

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How to celebrate the summer solstice

Rebecca Gordon, founder of My Path Astrology, believes the solstice is a great time to express gratitude to nature.

She said: "When there is an abundance of sunlight in the sky, we will naturally want to spend more time outdoors and with the people we love.

"This is also consistent with the fact that the summer solstice opens the doors to three signs – Cancer, Leo and Virgo – that deal with your relationship with your environment."

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According to Michelle Pellizzon, founder of the Oh Holisticism Women's Network, another option is to take the time to think about yourself on the day of the solstice.

She said, "Intellectually, I know that the summer solstice is the middle of the year.

"But, for me, this has always been the beginning of a strong growing season, a bit like I was jumping from the edge of a waterfall.

READ MORE: Is the solstice the beginning of summer?

"The solstice has always been a starting bell at the start of the race."

Nitsa Citrine, Creative Director at Sun Potion, a health food company, believes the solstice is a good time for meditation.

She stated that the solstice was a good time to "agree on a more ceremonial frequency … something that promotes a meditative, embodied, open-hearted, and joyful state."

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