The Scholarship Secretariat signs a pact with St George's University | Education


The Ghana Scholarship Secretariat has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Faculty of Medicine at St George's University in Grenada, a Caribbean country.

The Clerk of the Secretariat, Mr. Kingsley Agyemang, signed for his outfit while the Executive Director of Growth and International Strategy, Mr. Christopher Sauer, signed on behalf of the university.

With this protocol agreement, selected students will have the opportunity to study medicine at the university. St. George grants a 50% partial scholarship while the Government of Ghana contributes 50%.

In an interview that followed the program, Mr. Agyemang badured the university that selected students who underwent rigorous processes before being selected would achieve feats and not joke with the opportunity that was offered to them. citing other students who excel in other scholarship systems.

He further stated that "they (St George's University) have many international affiliations: United Kingdom, United States, Canada, more than 400 schools affiliated with St. George and that at the end of their studies, they would be enlightened the countries … as the president (Akufo-Addo) said, we want Ghana to be a medical hub in the West African zone and if we do, it will no longer be necessary to go to India or to other countries.

Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare, Director General of Ghana Health Service, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Korle Bu University Hospital, Dr. Okoe Boye and officials of Flagstaff House, as well as Dr. Other representatives of St. George University.

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