More than 60 Patients Allege Sterilization-Related Neglect at Porter Adventist Hospital


Anne-Marie Kommers<a href = "" data-tracking = "print" title = "Print the article < Over 60 patients allege sterilization negligence at Porter Adventist Hospital >"onclick =" (this.href, "win2", "status = no, toolbar = no, scroll bars = yes, title bar = no, menubar = no, resizable = yes, width = 640, height = 480, directories = no, location = no); return false; "rel =" nofollow "> E-mail

Seventy – seven patients and 22 spouses lodged a complaint on June 15 against Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver, claiming that the hospital had caused infections and caused death due to inappropriate sterilization of the hospital. equipment, according to the newspaper. The Denver Post.

The lawsuit comes about a year after hospital officials found a sterilization violation between July 21, 2016 and February 20, 2018.

The complaints concern a patient who underwent seven knee surgeries due to necrotic tissue and an infection that he contracted after the operation at Porter Adventist in 2017. The bacteria included a particular type usually present in the bad or rectum of a pregnant woman. Another patient died as a result of infection, sepsis and other complications resulting from surgery at the femur and hip.

Patients' lawyers say that cases are pending for three other patients and one spouse.

Porter Adventist shared the following statement with Becker:

"We acknowledge the concern of these patients and are aware of the ongoing lawsuits arising from a review by [the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment] of the process of pre-cleaning surgical instruments before sterilization, identified in February 2018, "said a spokesman. To protect privacy [of] all concerned, we will be dealing with this issue as part of the ongoing legal process. As a result of the CDPHE investigation, we continue to provide the CDPHE with reports confirming that the Porter Adventist Hospital continues to adhere to the guidelines of the CDPHE sterilization process. "

Editor's Note: This article was updated on June 17 at 12:20 to include a statement from Porter Adventist Hospital.

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