Hundreds of people in the queue of Tema to register with EC


Politics of Tuesday, June 18, 2019



Politics Limited Registration Some voters at the Tema Metropolitan Office of the Electoral Commission

Hundreds of people stormed the Tema Metropolitan Electoral Commission (EC) office on Monday to register on national electoral lists and participate in national and local elections.

Potential voters, who were mostly young, challenged all desires to flee even though the process started at a slow pace.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at the Tema Metro office of the Electoral Commission (EC) on Monday, EC Metropolitan Director Tema Nana Oduro Numapau was pleased that many people had responded to l & # 39; call. numbers to register.

However, he testified to the slow process by saying, "Our online system is down, so we use the offline method. That's why it's slow. This is a national problem. So if they can solve the problem at headquarters, the line is running faster than we are seeing, "said Numapau.

He was optimistic that once the lines were restored, they could save nearly three hundred people a day, which would help them cover as many people as possible within 21 days.

He added that the slowness of the exercise was not deliberate "because the data does not work quickly, so even if you register often and they come here, they will not be able to not use the system. "

Mr. Numapau stated that his office was currently using machines that did not use the network, which is why they continued to register people.

"The network is a living system, so as soon as you register the person, the name and details are added to the national data. But what we are doing now is that after the recording, we have to use the USB key and save the information to the national data. "

The Metro EC boss said such challenges were normal from day one of the exercises. "But now that we know what the problem is, we will fix it so that we then make the right choice by saving more font today. "

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