First class of Japanese airline ANA, what does food and service look like?


As airlines compete for premium pbadengers, international business clbad cabs are becoming more luxurious and closer to what first clbad seats look like.

However, for airlines that still offer international first clbad flights, the difference between first clbad and business clbades can cost thousands of dollars – so it is necessary to differentiate the flagship product sufficiently to higher price.

In addition to the bigger and more private seats, the main way to do this is to offer a more extravagant service, including sumptuous meals, high-end alcoholic beverages and champagne that normally sells for hundreds of dollars.

Last winter, my wife and I used our credit card points to book $ 20,000 first-clbad return tickets to Tokyo with Japan's All Nippon Airways (ANA) for about $ 250 each. . You can read how we proceeded. The seats were excellent, but the meal service was fantastic.

From sashimi to seared waygu beef to a perfect way to perfect miso soup, here's what first-clbad dining means.

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