40-year-old man abducts 17-year-old girl


General News of Saturday, July 6, 2019

Source: Graphic.com.gh


Oela kidnapped Photo file

A 17-year-old girl was reportedly abducted and locked up in a room by her alleged husband, about 40 years old last week in Zagzilary, an agricultural community in the municipality of West Mamprusi.

The girl, who was working as a senior doorkeeper in Accra but recently returned home, was reportedly abducted when her parents sent her to a market in Kparigu, a community near Walewale.

Recounting his ordeal at the Mirror, the girl whose name was withheld to protect her identity, said that when the supposed husband saw her at the market on her way home, "he dragged me forcibly at home with I tried to escape but my legs were tied with a rope ".

According to her, luckily she was saved by her uncle who got wind of the incident.

Students from the University of Development Studies (UDS) who participated in their practical third-quarter program (TTFPP) attended this incident. They submitted a report to the Municipal Office of the Commission for Administrative Justice for Human Rights (CHRAJ).

According to the students, the girl lived in fear because the men chased her every day to force her to marry.

When CHRAJ's City Manager, Alhaji Ibrahim Iddrisu, was contacted, he said that his attention was drawn to the incident and that he was working closely with the MP from the region and some organizations. non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to settle in the neighborhood. community.

"For the moment, I have been able to identify the community where the incident occurred and, in the next few days, I will visit it.

It's a criminal act, so when the students contacted me, I told them to report immediately to the police so that the guys involved would be selected.

We will investigate and get to the bottom of things, "he said.

Alhaji Iddrisu indicated that such cases were very common in the region, but that the population was very reluctant to report it to the relevant authorities as this was perceived as a normal cultural practice.

"If urgent steps are not taken to rescue her and take her out of the community, she will probably join hundreds of girls who are victims of this outdated cultural practice," he said.

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