Measles: 11th confirmed case in a Los Angeles resident


By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews

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Another confirmed case of measles has been reported in a Los Angeles County resident, health officials said.

To date, health officials have not identified any public exposure sites badociated with this case.

There were 11 measles cases among Los Angeles County residents in 2019, in addition to eight non-resident measles cases that pbaded through Los Angeles County, according to reports from the county's Department of Public Health. Los Angeles.

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"For those who are not protected, measles is a highly contagious and potentially serious disease that initially causes fever, cough, red and watery eyes and eventually a rash," said Muntu Davis, MD , MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. "Measles is spread by air and by direct contact, even before you know you have it. MMR vaccination is a very effective measure to protect yourself and prevent the unintended spread of this potentially serious infection to others. "

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