Edinburgh gives medical students their degrees – 150 years behind schedule | News from the United Kingdom


Seven women who were among the first women to be admitted to a British university received a posthumous diploma 150 years after the start of their studies.

The group, collectively known as Edinburgh Seven, was registered in 1869 at the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. But they had to face considerable resistance from their male counterparts and were eventually prevented from graduating and qualifying as doctors.

Their campaign against their treatment has earned them national attention and prominent supporters such as Charles Darwin. In 1877, a law was pbaded to ensure that women could study at the university.

The seven women – Mary Anderson, Emily Bovell, Matilda Chaplin, Helen Evans, Sophia Jex-Blake, Edith Pechey and Isabel Thorne – received a posthumous honorary degree in medicine at a ceremony at McEwan Hall at the university.

Seven students from the Edinburgh School of Medicine collected the certificates on their behalf, and the university graduated from a number of events organized to honor women's achievements.

Simran Paya, a third-year medical student who received an award on behalf of Jex-Blake, said: "We are honored to accept these diplomas on behalf of our predecessors, who are a source of inspiration. inspiration for all of us. "

Professor Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, said: "We are delighted to confer the degrees due to this incredible group of women.

"The segregation and discrimination that the Seven Edinburgh have faced may belong to history, but obstacles still prevent too many young talents from succeeding at the university. We must learn from these women and strive to expand access to all who have the potential to succeed. "

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