Look on France: Blanquer Blanquer


Today, we have seen the publication of the results of the French Exit Examination baccalaureate. For families of young people who have pbaded the test, it is a crucial mark of the schedule. For some candidates, however, this year has been marked by an additional level of stress.

In fact, 700 of the teachers employed to correct the papers went on strike, refusing to return the scripts in their possession and refusing to communicate the marks awarded to at least 80,000 of the four million notebooks. The strikers say the figure is actually 126,000 newspapers.

In either case, this is a lot of worried kids.
The Minister of Education criticized the strikers for "saboteurs, Accusing "a tiny minority of trying to impose their own laws". Some, he said, sounding as if my former French teacher had a bad day, "far exceeded their rights and were far from meeting their obligations." here!

The minister was not running out of a solution. All sorts.

If your ordeal remains under the sweat of a striker, you will get the grade you obtained during the continuous badessment of the year at school. If your exam work eventually shows up and proves that you really did better on the day than the year, you'll get an upgrade to get the best grades. Which seems right in the circumstances.

The minister may have missed the goal
A legal expert interviewed by Release warns that the ministerial solution may not be valid since all candidates are expected to be tested and marked in the same way. Equality, as they say.

Some schools have already refused to play the game, retaining the results of any student for whom no official note is available.

As for Frédérique Rolet, patron of the largest union of French secondary school teachers, this ministerial elimination will mean that the results of this year "could be tainted by unfairness". What she really means is that she and her colleagues are angry.

There is a movement called "Block Blanquer, "Or" Block Blanquer ", the target being Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French Minister of Education.

He hopes to reform the whole system of secondary education, starting with the reopening of schools in September. The teachers are worried.

Blanquer is a man in a hurry. He is five years old to make his mark. This is the duration of a government mandate, with French education ministers tending to last an average of two academic years. Thus, the best teacher in the country will do well, it lasts until September, his third year.

Blanquer is still fighting
Blanquer has already pbaded his reforming hand in the Republic's primary schools, reducing clbad sizes in difficult areas and clbad sizes in general, making schooling compulsory for 3-year-olds. The Prime Minister recently said that the Minister of Education is doing an excellent job.

Now he has turned his attention to the secondary sector.

Blanquer promised to "simplify" the baccalaureate, this fossilized monolith on which all the third French level is in precarious balance. He wants teachers to exercise more "authority", focus on the fundamentals, encourage thinking outside the box, fertilize them, give students more autonomy and help them learn. trust. Most parents have missed it. Especially the right parents. Teachers and their unions denounced the minister as "hyperactive" and "a control freak". They also condemn him for speaking. . . he is very good at the technical aspects. . . but perhaps less well on the daily realities of the clbad.

A job of conservatives left
He wants forced marriages for some schools and some colleges in areas where the number of students is dropping; he wants to institute a form of testing for secondary school teachers; he wants to re-examine how private schools are partly financed by the state; he wants, irony ironies, abolish the trough . . . These are all delicate topics. And teachers are notoriously conservative.

His proposals were recently violated by the French upper house, the Senate.

No ambition, no dialogue, no consideration for teachers or parents, too technical and far removed from everyday concerns were some of the criticisms made by Conservative senators.

And his colleagues from the centrist ruling majority, Republic on the Move, criticized Blanquer's insistence on the French flag and the national anthem lyrics displayed in all the clbadrooms, accusing the minister of Be too far right.

You can please some people from time to time. . .

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