Best hay fever remedies to try | Health


PUBLISHED: 10:00 am on July 6, 2019

Steve Russell

Pretty but painful: badseed in a field of East Anglian. For many people suffering from hay fever, just like kryptonite is for Superman Photo:

Pretty but painful: badseed in a field of East Anglian. For many people suffering from hay fever, just like kryptonite is for Superman Photo:


More people than ever seem to complain about symptoms in 2019 … Fortunately, the Digital Doctor Bella Smith has some practical tips to relieve them.

The O2 nose filter from 3M.Steven Russell would need to test it longer to evaluate its effectiveness, but he said that he had opened his nasal airways - still a good thing. Image: ARCHANTThe O2 nose filter from 3M.Steven Russell would need to test it longer to evaluate its effectiveness, but he said that he had opened his nasal airways – still a good thing. Image: ARCHANT

Almost everyone has hay fever these days, is not it, judging by the number of times we sneeze? (In fact, a pbading colleague has just shown it). But are we more likely to cough in the warmer months? General practitioner Dr. Bella Smith.

"We have learned from studies that allergies in general and asthma cases have increased over the past 20 years," she says. "There appears to be an increase in hay fever cases, especially in the last four years, and recent data show that the number of pollen seems to be increasing."


"This is a good question and there is a lot of research going on on this phenomenon.

Steven Russell's current strategy against hay fever - as well as some of the flora that causes problems ... Photo: ARCHANTSteven Russell's current strategy against hay fever – as well as some of the flora that causes problems … Photo: ARCHANT

"Current theories include the" hygiene "hypothesis that we are" too clean "and where our children are not exposed to enough microorganisms to boost their immunity and protect themselves from allergies.

"Similarly, there is a theory that excessive use of antibiotics can affect the bacteria in our gut and our microbiome. [communities of bacteria, fungi and viruses] it would otherwise help protect us.

"Another theory is that climate change and milder temperatures in spring and summer result in higher pollen levels, longer pollen and air humidity that can contribute to symptoms.

"Air pollution can also be a factor, because research has shown that hay fever was virtually unknown a few centuries ago, before cars and engines were invented. air aggravates our upper respiratory tract and aggravates the symptoms of hay fever and asthma.

"It is also important to take into account the" reporting bias ", because in our new world with social media and the Internet, we are able to report more on our health conditions, to become aware of our health and to diagnose our patients better than we did before – the story. "

* Bella Smith, NHS physician based in East Anglian, has launched The Digital GP to provide online medical information and advice. It is designed to help people change their lifestyle and improve their health and that of their families.

The Practitioners Guide to Digital Medicine


Try to avoid exposure to high levels of pollen. Examine the pollen forecast, and if it's a pollen-laden day, try changing activity to avoid exposure and try closing the window of your car and your house. You can try installing air or pollen filters for your home or car.

Barrier method

Invest in a good pair of wraparound sunglbades that keep pollen out of your eyes. Use Vaseline in your nostrils to prevent pollen from entering your nasal pbadages.

If you work or spend time outdoors, consider using a face mask that covers your nose and mouth – or a broad-brimmed hat as it could act as a barrier against pollen. Try to wear goggles if you swim outside.


When you come back from the outside, wash your clothes, change your clothes, wash the dog! Use a salt shower for the nose or shower to wash all the pollen from the inside of your nose.

For pregnant women who do not want to or can not take regular medications, using saline wash three times a day is a safe and effective way to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.

If it does not work…

If you have tried all these basic measures and still have symptoms of hay fever, talk to your pharmacist to try medications:

Steroid nasal sprays

In studies, they have proven to be the best, but often we do not use them properly. To use them correctly, you must do the following:

1) Take at least two weeks before the onset of hay fever.

2) Use regularly – twice a day, both nostrils. Do not use ad hoc, as they will not be as effective.

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