Two women undressed and burned after the body of a boy found in the river


The Limpopo police on Saturday condemned the killing of two women in an alleged attack on the people's justice following the discovery of the body of a missing boy in a river.

The boy, 12-year-old Thabelo Muila, reportedly went missing on June 10 after disappearing while playing with his friends.

His body was found in a river around the village of Ha-Mashau around 10:00 am Friday, said Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo. He added that residents had gathered to discuss this issue and mobilized around 22:00 that evening.

"[They] attacked the two women with various objects, undressed them before lighting them. "

Police and emergency medical personnel responded to frantic calls made in the area and, upon their arrival, discovered that the women had been severely burned.

"One woman was certified dead at the scene, while another died later in the hospital.When police arrived at the scene, the crowd had already dispersed", said Mojapelo.

The preliminary investigation revealed that after the attack, the crowd went to a construction site belonging to a 79-year-old man and set fire to his three houses.

He managed to escape without injury.

The women were identified as Hulumeni Sarah Masiagwala, 66, and Mudziwa Esther, whose age was not known. They were both from the village of Matsindevhe.

The police were investigating two murder cases, arson and an investigation.

Mojapelo said the police of law and order had been deployed in the area to monitor the situation.

Two suspects, aged 16 and 17, were arrested on Saturday afternoon and further arrests were expected.

Lieutenant-General Nneke Ledwaba, police commissioner of Limpopo, condemned the incident.

"The police will continue to mercilessly treat all those who resort to justice, members of the community are asked to refrain from these heinous acts and should instead cooperate with the police."

Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of other suspects can contact Detective Warrant Officer Mudogwa Mutshutshu at 072 107 6731, Crime Stop at 08600 10111 or at the nearest police station. close.

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