Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks at the Essence Festival


"I have a plan for that."

If you watched Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mbad.) Shoot her ball in the 2020 presidential campaign, you will be more than familiar with these words.

And this resounding badurance did not change Saturday afternoon when it was mounted on the Power Stage Festival ESSENCE 2019.

"It's good to be at a party with a goal and I'm here with a goal. Our goal is to take over the White House in 2020, "said Warren hearing his speech. "We have to win, but winning is not enough. When we win, we must make real changes in this country and, yes, I have a plan for that. "

Warren began telling his own story of fighting child care access as a young professional, struggling to find a work-life balance only for babysitters to stop. to smoke and so that early childhood centers do not work. She came out at the other end with the help of one of her aunts. But not everyone has an aunt like her, Warren acknowledged.

"How many women of my generation were simply upset because of childcare, how many women my daughter's generation were upset, how many women and how many men today?" Hui have just been upset because child care is now more difficult two generations ago, "Warren said. "I run for president of the United States and yes, I have a lot of projects because [if] you want to do something, it's better to have a plan to do it. "

As many of us already know, Warren is planning his wealth tax first – a one-tenth-of-one tax that would require the super-rich to give two cents on their 50 millionth and first dollar, and two hundred extra on every dollar thereafter.

"Do you know what we can do in America with two cents?" Asks Warren, obviously very excited about the list of possibilities. "We could start by providing universal child care to every baby aged 0 to 5 in this country. We could provide a universal pre-kindergarten for every child of three and four years old in this country. We could raise the salaries of all preschool educators and educators in the country. "

"And with those same two hundred, we could do more. We could provide a technical school, a community college and a four-year college without tuition to all of our children who want to take training. We could also level the playing field and that means a $ 50 billion investment in the HBCUs, "she continued. "We could cancel student loan debt for 95% of the children who contracted it. We can begin to bridge this gap of black-white wealth. "

S addressing to Rev. Al Sharpton, Michelle Ebanks, CEO of ESSENCE, and Founder and President of Essence Ventures Richelieu Dennis, Warren exposed his ideas on the wealth gap, pointing out that this has led to a black and white entrepreneur deficit. White.

"The main reason is not that people do not have good ideas, it's not that they do not work hard. It's access to capital, this initial investment, "Warren explained. "And in an America where the main way to create wealth was to gain ownership, we still feel the effects of narrowing the black-and-white divide, which creates an entrepreneurial deficit. On this two hundred wealth tax, I also earmarked $ 7 billion to invest in black-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, to bridge this gap of entrepreneur and entrepreneur. To equalize the odds for all.

She also pointed out that it was not a partisan issue. Outside of Washington, DC, she insisted, a majority of Republicans is also favorable to the wealth tax.

"I start with something popular among political parties. Building a popular movement is not just trying to be elected in 2020, it is creating a movement for change in January 2021, and we will start with this wealth tax and the link to what we can pay with, "she told Ebanks during the Q & A." Because we are talking about universal child care when we talk about universal pre-kindergarten for all our children, and when we talk about cancel this debt, the boys forget their party, they want to be part of that. "

Warren of course took some time to also address his other plan, including a 3.2 million new housing construction project to deal with the overall impact of the redline that was used to discriminate the black community, and a maternal health crisis plan, where black women are three and four times more likely to die from complications than their white counterparts.

"I have a plan to value the work of black women. 70% of black mothers are the main employees of their families, but they earn only 61 cents per dollar for the wages of white men, "said Warren. "So, what I've decided is not to talk about it vaguely. On the first day, my plan is to use the power of the federal government on government contracts of half a trillion dollars to make sure that every government contractor in the country is not just talking but that he earns the same salary for equal work. and a truly diverse workforce that looks like America. "

She developed this idea further in the Q & A session, noting that as Chair, she would sign a decree insisting, "It's not enough to talk about equal pay for equal work." it's not enough to talk about the diversity of your workforce, you have to walk or not to get these federal contracts. "

In his speech and questions and answers, Warren emphasized the importance of a grbadroots movement to bring about real change and explained that this was the reason why she refused to fundraise fundraising in camera. meet with CEOs of companies.

"When I developed these political proposals, I did not do it myself, I did it by employing a large and diverse staff … who worked with me, but also by tying the maximum contact as humanly as possible because I wanted to know how it works on the ground, "she told Dennis," that's how I stay anchored, how can I hear and reflect it. In the plans I try to understand, but it's also a commitment when I'm president.Our administration will look like America.We will make the voices of all people who have not been heard heard, it's my job. "

In closing his speech, Warren acknowledged that he had been told that people had told him that what she was trying to accomplish was too difficult or that she was trying to do a lot. But for Warren, she's just following the path before her.

"What do you think they said to the abolitionists?" She asked the crowd. "Just too hard, quit now."

"What did they say to the suffragettes? Too hard, you will not do it, stop now. What did they say to the first union organizers? Stop now, she added. "What did they say to the infantrymen of the civil rights movement? Quit now. What did they say to LGBTQ activists who wanted an equal marriage? Never arrive, leave now. "

"But they did not stop. They organized themselves, they built a popular movement, they persisted and they changed the course of American history, "continued Warren. "This is our chance to change the course of American history. This is our chance to organize ourselves, to build a popular movement to persist. "


TOPICS: ESSENCE 2019 Festival

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