Local Health Services Join IDPH to Advance Measles Efforts | Health and Fitness


Measles cases are increasing across the United States, as well as other diseases preventable by vaccination.

While Rock Island – and the rest of Illinois – does not count any cases, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Rock Island County Public Health Department take no chances.

As part of a campaign to raise awareness and increase immunization rates, the RIDPH is increasing its opening hours without vaccination appointments every Thursday until the end of the month d & # 39; August. The chief operating officer, Janet Hill, said it was to thwart what was happening elsewhere in the country.

"Measles continues to increase throughout the country, we have outbreaks all over the country and Illinois is trying to prevent this here," Hill said. IDPH provides major grants to local health departments to purchase measles vaccines and promote them, as well as staff time for schools to meet or exceed the 95% compliance rate.

Hill said there was a public school in Rock Island County with less than 95%. They contacted this nurse, sent staff and offered vaccines. Now they are targeting private schools and religious schools to ensure they reach 95%.

The campaign costs just under $ 55,000 and is not just for the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, Hill said. "It is so that children and adults are informed of all the vaccinations they may need: meningitis, anything else."

A high rate of immunization against measles is important because infants can not receive their first vaccines before the age of one year. "It is up to the rest of us to ensure that we are vaccinated so that we can benefit from a herd immunity so as not to make tiny babies sick," Hill said. "Because measles is not a tiny rash, it's a swelling of the brain, potential brain damage or even death." With almost all diseases, the very young are extremely vulnerable. "

Immunization clinics will be open on Thursdays from 9h to 12h and from 13h to 16h. at the Rock Island Health Department, 2112 25th Ave., Rock Island. Other schedules are available by appointment.

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