African leaders are on the verge of signing a historic trade deal at the AU summit


African leaders will meet in Niger on Sunday for the African Union (AU) summit to sign a historic free trade agreement and discuss impending security and migration crises on the continent.

In a "historic" moment for the 55-member bloc, according to its president Moussa Faki, the heads of state will officially launch the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) at the two-day summit in Niamey, the Nigerian capital .

The agreement comes after 17 years of difficult negotiations and was formalized by the end of April, when it had crossed the threshold, which had to be ratified by at least 22 countries.

Nigeria, the most populous country and the largest economy in Africa, announced this week its intention to join the pact in Niamey, after having unexpectedly pulled out of the deal. ;last year.

Ambbadador Chiedu Osakwe, chief negotiator for Nigeria, said President Muhammadu Buhari would sign the historic agreement, opening up many opportunities for Africa.

"We have not been drawn into this case, we are a leading lawyer," Osakwe told AFP. "But it's about evaluating how to make it work for Nigeria and even for the continent."

State Trade Ministers agreed that the zone should be operational from July 2020, AFP Trade Commissioner and AU Industry Minister Albert Muchanga told AFP. countries needing time to adapt to agreed changes.

Heads of state and government will agree Sunday with an official departure date, with only Benin and Eritrea remaining to sign the agreement.

However, key issues remain to be resolved, such as defining common criteria for determining the rules of origin for marketed products.

Amaka Anku, an badyst for the Eurasia Group for Africa, described the agreement as "not positive," but said the Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) was still "very far from taking off."

The AU estimates that the implementation of AfCFTA will result in a 60% increase in intra African trade by 2022.

At present, African countries exchange only about 16% of their goods and services, compared to 65% with European countries.

High security

Security is also on the agenda of the summit, a problem that particularly affects the Sahel.

The host of the summit, Niger, faces constant attacks from jihadist groups.

His colleagues in the G5-Sahel security pact with Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso and Mauritania will seek support at the AU summit to push for the strengthening of the UN security force facing the terrorist threat.

Security in Niamey is tight before the summit. By ISSOUF SANOGO (AFP) Security in Niamey is tight before the summit. By ISSOUF SANOGO (AFP)

The countries hope to activate Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, told AFP a Nigerian security source. This chapter enables the United Nations Security Council to identify a threat to peace and to propose measures, including military deployment, to deal with it.

"No prosperity, no integration is possible without peace," said Faki, who emphasized the importance of an AU peace fund launched in 2018 to fund activities. and called on the Member States to keep their financial promises.

Up to now, only $ 116 million has been received for the proposed $ 400 million fund.

Niamey is under high surveillance, with facilities at the summit subject to strict access controls and a strong security presence.

"We have a special unit of several thousand men" in office, said the Minister of National Defense, Mohamed Bazoum.

The city has been refurbished and has a brand new airport, upgraded roads and new hotels for the occasion.

Migration crisis

Leaders will also discuss strengthening intelligence cooperation and the global migration crisis.

An air strike on Tuesday in a detention center for migrants near the Libyan capital, Tripoli, left 53 dead and more than 130 wounded.

The Peace and Security Council of the AU on Friday condemned what he called a "savage attack", calling for an independent investigation into the incident.

The AU member states must quickly repatriate their Libyan nationals "in order to avoid any exploitation of their fragile situation," they said in a statement.

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