Stevia, the natural plant sweeter than sugar


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Stevia is a sugar substitute made from leaves of the plant species Stevia Rebaudiana. In its natural form, it is a green-leaved plant native to Brazil and Paraguay, where it has been used for centuries as a sweetener and treatment for colic, burns and stomach problems. When ripe, stevia leaves are dried to remove all moisture, then crushed into powder. It is 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar but does not contain calories and its glycemic index is low. Enjoy your cakes, pastries, sugary drinks, tea or coffee without thinking about the effects on your body. Stevia is known to help control blood sugar levels and insulin levels. It's a sweetener that does not harm your teeth. In fact, it is said that it fights cavities, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure and benefits diabetics and people with metabolic syndrome. When cooking, instead of a cup of sugar, you will need a single teaspoon of liquid stevia or half a teaspoon of stevia powder. It is available in supermarkets and health food stores at 1,000 shillings or more for 150 grams of 100% pure stevia.

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