13-year-old girl dies flu-like symptoms several days after falling ill


A 13-year-old girl died tragically just days after having flu-like symptoms in Melbourne.

Crystal-Lee Wightley became ill on Tuesday after several other family members contracted the flu.

His condition quickly deteriorated in the early hours of Friday morning and an ambulance was called.


Unfortunately, the 13-year-old family could not be saved and died soon after, confirmed her family.

Crystal-Lee Wightley, 13, died Friday of flu-like symptoms | Source: Facebook

In a Facebook article, Channi Gartland, a family member, described Crystal-Lee as a loving, caring and athletic teenager.

"Crystal was kind, smart, beautiful and came back to stop a room and then laugh," said Ms. Gartland.

"She was starting to get upset and counting the weeks up to her 14th birthday."

Crystal-Lee can not wait to celebrate her 14th birthday | Source: Facebook

Crystal-Lee's grandmother, Karyn Wightley, said she was heartbroken by the death of her eldest grandchild.

"My darling, I have a broken heart and life will never be the same again," she wrote on Facebook.

"Fly with the angels my darling daughter. Nanny will always miss you.

"Big Poppy and Big Nanny will be waiting to hug you and protect you until our next meeting.

"Missed and still loved, I can not stop myself from crying a beautiful girl."

More than 220 people died of the flu in Australia this year, including 50 in Victoria.

More than 120,000 others have been affected by the virus.

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