Why should women follow a ketone diet cycle, according to experts?


The ketogenic diet generally has a favorable impact on hormones. Example: Insulin resistance is often observed with a hormonal imbalance, but a reduction of carbohydrates in your diet helps to reduce insulin levels in the body and thus supports the sensitivity to the insulin. insulin, which can help prevent or reverse diabetes. In addition, hormones are produced from fat, so that a high fat diet facilitates the production of hormones. This is why many people see fantastic results using a ketogenic diet to support PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea and infertility.

Beyond the production of insulin and bad hormones, leptin, the hormone of satiety and metabolic regulation, is affected by the ketogenic diet. Leptin – produced by fat cells and in the small intestine in response to fat consumption – helps to suppress appetite. This is one of the main reasons why many keto users see a significant reduction in hunger and cravings. Leptin also impacts excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain, constituting one of the mechanisms by which the ketogenic diet reduces convulsive activity and anxiety.

Leptin can be seen in excess in obese and overweight individuals, and at high levels, leptin signals become resistant, which can trigger excess food. The ketogenic diet, which includes dietary fat consumption and supports the mobilization of body fat in the production of ketones, will naturally reduce leptin levels, thus contributing to optimal leptin signaling in overweight individuals who were previously in leptin resistance state, which can help. reduce hunger.

However, people whose body fat percentage is low or who overly stress the body with intellectual demands, caloric restriction, intermittent fasting or too much exercise allostatic load up and prepare to lower the levels Leptin – which, over time, can cause anxiety, insomnia and hunger. And because leptin has a significant influence on the thyroid and ovaries, people with hypothyroidism and menstruating women have a stressful lifestyle and who do not have extra body fat are particularly likely to have an imbalance of leptin when they contract ketosis. This can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones, disrupt the woman's cycle, and suppress the production of hormones.

When it is too low, leptin requires glucose intake followed by insulin to indicate to the body that it is well nourished and ultimately "safe", which makes it possible to switch back to a function of healthy regulation instead of a reactive survival mode. The good news: this can be accomplished by cycling carbs.

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