Dengue cases in Singapore have increased by 4x last year, exceeding 6,000


By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews

The number of dengue cases in Singapore continues to increase, with officials reporting about 500 cases in the past week.

Aedes aegypti / CDC

In fact, the National Environmental Agency (NEA) said that a total of 6,117 cases of dengue fever have been reported this year during the first six months, more than four times the 1,379 dengue cases recorded in the same period last year.

The total now stands at 6600, which is more than the total for 2017 and 2018.

This goes hand in hand with the increase of mosquito population in the city. The Gravitrap monitoring system deployed by the NEA showed a 56% increase in Aedes aegypti Mosquito population in May 2019 compared to March 2019.

The NEA said that a national collective effort was essential to prevent dengue cases from continuing to increase, particularly during the warmer months of summer to October. All individuals, whether they live in a cluster or not, must take steps to prevent others from becoming infected with the dengue virus. The NEA urges all members of the public and stakeholders to take immediate action to eliminate potential mosquito breeding habitat and to strengthen housekeeping measures in their respective premises. All residents are strongly encouraged to cooperate with NEA officials and to facilitate their checks and misting in their homes.

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