# 2019NSMQ: Tepa SHS sacks Academy of Accra and progresses to semi-final


General News on Friday, July 5th, 2019

Source: primenewsghana.com


Tepa High School Tepa High School

Tepa High School is qualified for the semifinals of the 2019 NSMQ after having organized a challenging competition at the Accra Academy and at St Johns Grammar School.

In the first round of the contest, Tepa SHS correctly tried the bonus and the main questions. The Accra Academy did not manage to find Tepa SHS as long as St Johns Grammar School was doing its best.

Once again, Tepa dominated the first round with 23 pts, Accra Aca followed with 17 pts and St Johns Grammar 13 pts.

The sprint race was a bit difficult for Accra Aca in the second round of the 2019 quarter-final phase with 18 pts. Closer to the winner of the Tepa SHS in competition, St Johns scored 20 points and the ultimate, Tepa scored 25 points.

The competing schools in the third round struggled to get points with the problem of the day, which was the third. All competing schools have 3 pts.

The next round saw Tepa SHS in the lead with 44 pts, St Johns 35 and academics got 29 pts.

Academics licensed by Tepa SHS with only 1 pt

In the final phase of the contest, Tepa SHS fired academics from a single point and qualified for the semifinal of the National Science and Math quiz of 2019. Tepa SHS got 50 points, followed by St Johns Grammar with 39 points and Accra Aca, 29 pts.

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