A 3-year-old boy dies of pneumonia that doctors had fired with paracetamol


The broken-hearted parents of a three-year-old boy who died from pneumonia fired with paracetamol shared their grief.

Krishan Saujani lost his life after a "catalog of errors" of doctors in an NHS hospital and medical office.

Many opportunities to spot his bronchial pneumonia were missed after his parents, Shalin and Bhavini, took him to A & E when he started vomiting, had diarrhea and a persistent high temperature.

Now her parents want to share their distress in the hope that the abuse will not happen again, reports Leicestershire Live.

Krishan's investigation last year was heard by a general practitioner who had ordered him to give him paracetamol.

"Krishan was not good and Bhav took him to the doctor, there was nothing extraordinary, but the general practitioner did not give us any antibiotics for him and instead said to give him paracetamol" said his father.

Krishan Saujani, photographed with parents Shalin and Bhavini, died after a "catalog of errors" at the hospital

"It got worse and on Saturday, Bhav called me to work and I went home early.

"We called the 111 in the early evening and they told us they were going to send an ambulance, we waited about 90 minutes and that did not happen.

"We called and after an appointment 30 to 40 minutes later, the paramedics told him that he had to go to A & E, but it was so busy that they could not take him there. "

The devastated parents of Leicester shared their sorrow in the hope of helping others

Finally, paramedics received a call saying that they could take Krishan, who has Down syndrome, to the Leicester Royal Infirmary in November 2015.

Mr. Saujani, from Leicester, added: "At one point we were in a bed next to a prisoner handcuffed to his bed, blood tests were done and we were never told the result It took two hours to put him under oxygen despite his breathing difficulties, we were being moved and no one seemed to know what was happening. "

Krishan was transferred to the children's badessment unit around 3:30 am

Mr. Saujani continued: "When he was transferred, one of the nurses looked at him and told him that he did not look well, she said we had to have him examined of any emergency.

"Suddenly, there was an urgency about the care, it felt like something had gone badly wrong.

"From that point on, they started catching up, but it was too late for that."

Krishan first suffered from vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms

Saujani described the hospital as "chaotic" that night and told the bosses he was extremely busy.

He continued: "Bhav had gone home, she was very pregnant and really tired, no one had told us how bad things were.

"I think that's another thing that was difficult for us, nobody really seated us and explained how mediocre it was.

"I called him back because he was lying there saying" Mom, Mom "."

Ms. Saujani informed the Leicester Hospitals Trust Board of her son's death.

She said, "I went back there and he was really distressed, he was hitting doctors to try to put cannulas and not himself.

"He has never been bothered by this kind of thing because he is used to it from an early age.

"I asked if I could calm him down and I took him in my arms, his eyes rolled over and he was arrested.I knew something was wrong.

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"I called K who had just come out and we screamed for the doctors, they rushed and tried for almost an hour to resuscitate him but they could not."

The devastated pair wondered what was wrong and how the sepsis of Krishan was missed.

Mr. Saujani told the council, "It's so disappointing to know that it could have been avoided.

"Then we asked the doctors what had happened and they told us they did not know it.

"The investigation was difficult, we had to live all the emotions again.

Ms. Saujani added, "We did not want an autopsy, we thought his body had suffered enough, we fought, but we were told it had to be done because of a potential legal problem.

"The autopsy meant that some of the reasons were revealed.

"The coroner has listed eight or nine serious mistakes that were made.There were more errors that were less serious too."

■ Sepsis affects 250,000 people in the UK and kills 44,000 each year. It's more than cancer of the bowel, bad and prostate and road accidents combined.

■ Sepsis is the often deadly response of the body to an infection.

■ At first it may look like a flu or chest infection, but it can quickly become serious.

■ Seek emergency medical help if you are developing any of the following …

– are lethargic or difficult to wake up

– feeling unusually cold to the touch

– the skin is marbled, bluish or pale

– breathe very quickly

– have a rash that does not fade when you tap on it

– having a seizure or convulsions

The young died at the Leicester Royal Infirmary in November 2015

The couple, who recently had another baby, said he was determined to keep Krishan's memory alive and that he would continue to tell his story.

They said, "We just want to make sure no other parent is put in that position.

"We want to make sure no other child is subjected to what Krishan has done."

Both men said they were disappointed with the care end to end given by their son.

Health officials said that changes had already been made to address one of their main concerns.

Ms. Saujani said: "We had the impression of not being listened to by his parents.

"We knew something was wrong, he was not himself and we told him and no one seemed to take it seriously."

"We acted as translators for him and we were not listened to.

"As a parent, you know your child better than anyone, we just want to be heard sooner."

Sam Brown, was the clinical lead of the new A & E Children's Department.

She said: "Krishan was central to my concerns when we built the new Children's Emergency Department.

"We never want anything like that to happen again.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

"Our processes have completely changed, we are a different department now."

She also told the meeting that junior staff are now trained to request video footage of children when they are well, in an attempt to help staff see what is normal for them.

She explained that he had also been advised to clinicians to listen more to parents and to give more weight to their concerns.

New computer systems have been introduced so that clinicians are informed as soon as results are available and the new Children's Emergency Department means that patients are treated in a specific environment.

Mr. Saujani said: "At one point, I would have had serious concerns about bringing one of our other children there." Unfortunately, recently, we have had to take our son, but the experience was completely different this time. "

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