Ghana has been chosen to host the secretariat of ALECA – Veep


Godwill Arthur-Mensah, RNG

Accra, July 7, GNA – Ghana was chosen
to host the secretariat of the African Free Trade Area (ACFTA),
beating competition from six other contenders, including e-Swatini, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal and Madagascar.

The official announcement of Ghana
the selection should be made at the 12th extraordinary session
of the Conference of Heads of State and Government in Niamey, Niger.

Summit to launch operational phase
of the African Continental Free Trade Area after reaching maturity on May 30
2019, when the 22 Member States deposited their instruments of ratification with the
Headquarters of the Commission of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Vice President Bawumia said this at a
Presidential Gala for the official closing ceremony of a four-day Ghana
Celebration of the diaspora and reunion summit Saturday.

The summit was part of the government's activities.
strategy to harness the human and financial resources expertise of Ghanaians
living in the diaspora towards investment and accelerate national development.

A delegation of 10 members of the African Union
(AU), led by Ambbadador Rosette Katungye, AU Regional Integration Advisor,
arrived in Accra on May 13 and spent seven days badessing Ghana's readiness
and facilities to host the Continental and African Free Trade Area (ACFTA).

ACFTA will create a continental market
for goods and services, with the free movement of business people and investments,
and thus pave the way for an acceleration of the creation of the continent.
Customs Union and African Customs Union.

The 18th ordinary session of the Assembly of
Heads of State and Government of the African Union, held in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia in January 2012, adopted a decision establishing a CAFTA by a
tentative date of 2017.

ACFTA will bring together 54 African countries
nations with a combined population of over a billion people and a
Combined gross domestic product (GDP) over US $ 3.4 trillion

Dr. Bawumia gave the badurance that
The government would continue to engage with diasporas, draw synergies and exploit
in their wealth of knowledge and expertise.

He said that 60 members of President Akufo-Addo
the appointees were Ghanaian diasporans because he believed in their skills
hard work, noting that the commercial discovery of crude oil in Ghana was
made possible by Dr. Kwame Bawia Adusei and George Yaw Owusu, who were all
Ghanaians based in the United States.

He said that the creation of the diaspora
Office to the Presidency was intended to ensure effective collaboration between
government and the diaspora community.

This, he said, would facilitate
understanding of government policies and programs and creation of a feedback loop
that would allow Ghanaians abroad to bring their expertise to help
build a better economy.

Dr. Bawumia stated that a draft law on dual citizenship had
placed before Parliament and its adoption would allow Ghanaians to
dual nationality to hold a public office in Ghana and urged all diasporas to
engage the diaspora office for clarification and input.

Touch some successes with chalk
Government of Akufo-Addo, he said, Ghana is one of the fastest economies in the world
world, with growth of more than six percent, stable macroeconomics and
policies and interventions centered on the human to improve the fate of the population.

He also mentioned the medical UAV
delivery, property addressing system and paperless ports system, as well as
digitization of commercial registration, driver application and
licenses, interoperability system for mobile money and automation of services,
improve the way the public sector has operated.

He said the government would turn his attention
infrastructure development this year and urged Ghanaians to
Diaspora to bring its expertise and investments in this direction.


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