Jetstar flyer to Wellington had measles, says Regional Public Health Office


Regional Public Health warns pbadengers of a Jetstar Auckland-Wellington flight that they may have been exposed to measles.

A pbadenger on flight JQ263 from Monday, July 1 at 4 pm caught the disease very contagious, but was unaware that they had it at the time of travel.

According to public health officials, pbadengers on a Jetstar flight from Auckland to Wellington a week ago may have been exposed to measles. (Photo of the folder)


According to public health officials, pbadengers on a Jetstar flight from Auckland to Wellington a week ago may have been exposed to measles. (Photo of the folder)

This means that pbadengers who were at the Auckland Airport National Terminal from 15 to 17 hours around the Jetstar check-in area and door 24 could be in danger.

The pbadenger was also at Wellington Airport from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm that day and visited the Midnight Espresso Cafe on Cuba Street the next day (4pm to 9pm).

* A trail through Wellington marks the hot areas of measles while four more cases are detected
Many fear being exposed to measles after the fourth confirmed case in Wellington
A concerted effort is needed to increase the number of measles vaccinations and prevent other epidemics – expert

All those who were in these places, who had not been vaccinated and who felt unwell were invited to call their GP during opening hours and inform them of the situation.

You can also call Healthline at 0800 611 116 for advice.

This case is the latest in a series of measles cases affecting the Wellington area, with four new cases confirmed in June. So far, there have been 16 confirmed cases in the Wellington area this year.

A surveillance report prepared by ESR indicated that 260 cases were recorded in the country at the end of June.

Officials said that the best form of protection against the disease is to be vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR), usually given at 15 months and four years of age.

However, you can get the vaccine at any age after 12 months.

The vaccine is available for free.

Health authorities indicate that the best way to avoid getting measles is to get vaccinated against the virus.


Health authorities indicate that the best way to avoid getting measles is to get vaccinated against the virus.

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