Week 2 Whacktivity Comp – Big Brother Network


Whacktivity Comp on Big Brother 21

That's Whack! Whacktivity Comp, I mean. Sigh. Who finds these ridiculous twisting names? Anyway, during the last season, five other HGs face a sort of competition on the theme of the camp where they will dispute the "power of chaos" and who knows what it will do. Well, probably something chaotic, but we'll have to wait for Sunday's episode to find out more.

Holly, Tommy, Jackson, Sam and Jack will be in the running for the win, which means there will probably be no secret power play here after this one. Well. Or maybe they'll do something later if a new target pops up suddenly. Let's hope for a drama here!

Big Brother 21 Week 2 Comp Whacktivity:

The power of chaos allows Jack to force the player to choose his veto if he does not like the results. He will have to stand up and present himself as the holder of power so that it may cause him trouble later if his allies feel aggrieved that he has not confided his secret to them after telling them he did not win .

This model had the HGs handling snakes to match three snakes already in cases of a mixture of many different snakes. Everyone is incredibly well done with what we expected from what we saw in the episode. I'm surprised we did not have any bail when they saw the pile of snakes to dig. Would you have been willing to reach there?

What do you think of these results? Share your thoughts below.

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