Samsung Insider provides a new reason to forget about the Galaxy Note 10

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Samsung the most exciting smartphone of 2019 is not the Galaxy Note 10 and although it is already hogging the headlines, we now have another reason why you should look elsewhere. & nbsp;

The Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ looks stunning, but its appeal is only superficial? Rendering based on major leaks

OnLeaks / pricebaba

Ice Universe, the prolific insider of Samsung, delivers this new bitter-sweet. In a series of new tweets, the tipster reveals that the Galaxy Note 10 will have the best screen of all smartphones. But that does not mean you'll get the display you want. & Nbsp;

In a follow-up tweetIce explains to disappointed fans that the best screen does not mean the most innovative. So, while Note 10 excels in traditional measurements such as brightness, sharpness and black levels – standards that it's noble to beat, it also conforms to the "pretty good" standard for most users several years ago. & Nbsp;

And where ice cream said Note 10 will be missing. This is the true innovation of 2019: a panel with a high refresh rate like the 90Hz OnePlus 7 Pro. High refresh rate panels provide much greater fluidity to the daily animations you see on your phone, such as scrolling, scanning, or zooming. And since phone screens are usually in motion, this is a much more impressive improvement than another slightly brighter screen. & Nbsp;

OnePlus 7 Pro has a 90Hz display without notch, without bezel for $ 699


It's something of ice believes will hit Samsung hard:

"The biggest advantage of Samsung with" Display "has been exceeded by the opponent … [a] The 90Hz refresh rate screen solution was discussed within Samsung a few years ago, but it was not adopted … That's not it. [Samsung] can not be innovative, but policy makers do not have the courage to innovate and miss out on exciting opportunities again and again. "

And that's the problem of the Galaxy Note 10 (and its new Pro version) as a whole: they look greatbut they lack major innovations. Plus, where Samsung took risks, they are the bad people. Especially considering the inflated sales prices. & nbsp;

Which brings us back to that more ambitious Galaxy A90 mentioned in the intro. In 2019, it's the Samsung smartphone to buy, even if you might not have the chance. & nbsp;


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Samsung the most exciting smartphone of 2019 is not the Galaxy Note 10 and although it is already hogging the headlines, we now have another reason why you should look elsewhere.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ looks stunning, but its appeal is only superficial? Rendering based on major leaks

OnLeaks / pricebaba

Ice Universe, the prolific insider of Samsung, delivers this new bitter-sweet. In a series of new tweets, the tipster reveals that the Galaxy Note 10 will have the best screen of all smartphones. But that does not mean you'll get the display you want.

In a follow-up tweetIce explains to disappointed fans that the best screen does not mean the most innovative. So while the Note 10 excels in traditional measurements like brightness, sharpness and black levels – standards that it's noble to beat, it's also a standard that's been "pretty good" for most users many years ago.

And where ice cream said Note 10 will be missing. This is the true innovation of 2019: a panel with a high refresh rate like the 90Hz OnePlus 7 Pro. High refresh rate panels provide much greater fluidity to the daily animations you see on your phone, such as scrolling, scanning, or zooming. And since phone screens are mostly moving, this is an improvement that looks much more impressive than another slightly brighter screen.

OnePlus 7 Pro has a 90Hz display without notch, without bezel for $ 699


It's something of ice believes will hit Samsung hard:

"The biggest advantage of Samsung with" Display "has been exceeded by the opponent … [a] The 90Hz refresh rate screen solution was discussed within Samsung a few years ago, but it was not adopted … That's not it. [Samsung] can not be innovative, but policy makers do not have the courage to innovate and miss out on exciting opportunities again and again. "

And that's the problem of the Galaxy Note 10 (and its new Pro version) as a whole: they look greatbut they lack major innovations. Plus, where Samsung took risks, they are the bad people. Especially considering the inflated sales prices.

Which brings us back to that more ambitious Galaxy A90 mentioned in the intro. In 2019, it's the Samsung smartphone to buy, even if you might not have the chance.


Follow Gordon on Twitter and Facebook

More about Forbes

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