This is the right way to use sunscreen in Dubai


It's officially summer. Do you know where your sunscreen is?

Answering this question with something other than "on my skin right now" is not … the right answer. At the risk of looking like your mother, you must wear sunscreen. At the risk of looking like your doctor, you should wear it every day.

Do not believe me on my word. "Skin cancer rates are reaching epidemic proportions in people under 40," said dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, MD. Dermatologists agree that the most important tool in our arsenal for preventing skin cancer and other problems caused by sun damage (such as aging and brown spots) is the screen solar.

Of course, there was perhaps a time when wearing sunscreen was the worst. But we have come a long way since that chalky kid that your mother used to cover you during your family vacation, but men, in particular, tend not to use it regularly.

"Most men do not like the sensation of sunscreen because wearing a cream is not a habit they are used to," Mariwalla says. "Nevertheless, any skin is susceptible to skin cancer, so do not use anything because of the texture, it's only to expose to damage."

These days, the whole thing "I do not like what it does" is no longer an excuse. There are new lighter versions, spray formulas, natural sunscreens that will not leave you chalky, and even quick-drying gels that stay clear.

It's also worth making sure that you use sunscreen properly. Proper application, maintenance, and exposure ensure that the product functions properly. Here's how to get the most out of your sunscreen and make sure you're protected on and off the beach.

The best sunscreen is the one you actually use.

There is a lot of debate right now on what sunscreens are best for you (and the environment). Hawaii has banned sunscreens containing oxybenzone because many believe that it contributes to the deterioration of coral reefs.

The FDA has recently released a list of sunscreen ingredients on which it wants more information, especially regarding their effects on our body. Many experts now recommend mineral-based sunscreens to chemical sunscreens, which act by forming a protective barrier on the skin with the help of ingredients such as zinc.

But Mariwalla, even though she prefers mineral sunscreens, says that the best sunscreen is still "a formulation that you will actually use. A sunscreen sitting on a shelf does nothing for you. She recommends looking at the formulation (think of lotions, gels and gels) and trying some of them until you find one that is comfortable on your skin, like a gel or a light daily serum. which also contains antioxidants.

Sunscreen is not just for the beach.

"People think that sunscreen should only be used when they are in the sun," Mariwalla said. "Most people do not realize that sun exposure occurs every day." Sun exposure occurs when you go to work, when you walk with the dog and near from the window of your office. It can also be sunny or cloudy.

As it has been proven that exposure to the sun causes skin cancer, Mariwalla recommends using it every day, no matter what you do. "If you use it every day, it becomes a routine, like brushing your teeth." This is especially important for our faces, which are usually the most exposed. For daily use on your body, look for a fragrance-free formula so you do not feel like you're going to the pool when you're really at work.

Higher SPF does not last longer.

According to Mariwalla, people often forget to reapply. According to the American Academy of Dermatology guidelines for sunscreen, it is advisable to reapply the sunscreen every two hours and more often if you have swum or perspired (as after immersion in the skin). 'ocean).

And for a second, do not think that you beat the system by wearing a higher SPF. "People think that if they use a high number, like the SPF 100, they are twice as effective as the SPF 50. So they put it once and then leave the house for the day," says Dr. Mariwalla. However, the SPF number indicates the degree of protection offered by the product, not its duration. All sunscreens must be reapplied.

The ADF also states that you should always use a minimum SPF of 30 and make sure its spectrum is wide (which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays).

Each type of skin needs a sunscreen.

Darker shades have increased sun protection with more melanin, but not burning so easily does not mean the sun does not affect your skin.

"Sunscreen not only prevents skin cancer, it also helps treat hyperpigmentation, which is one of the major concerns of people with darker skin," Mariwalla said. Regular use of sunscreen can help prevent freckles and melasma (black spots) as well as skin cancer. Opt for a clear version or tinted formula to avoid gray or limestone residue.

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