Ehi Development Council launches 2019 Ehi Nutome Galiza


General News of Monday, July 8, 2019



Ehi launch 1 Professor Dzodzi Tsikata speaking at the launch

The Ehi Development Council has launched the 2019 Ehi Nutome Galiza Festival, which aims to bring together and mobilize indigenous people at home and abroad for the development of Ehi.

The launch at the Ghana National Teachers Association was also intended to inaugurate the Ehi Committees and Board of Governors.

Professor Dzodzi Tsikata, director of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana and program chair, said that harvest festivals have been a global phenomenon since the company became agrarian.

"They are particularly important for agrarian societies all over the world, especially in southern countries, and it's no wonder that Ghana hosts some of the most vibrant harvest festivals, such as Odwira, Homowo and Bakatue. "she said.

Professor Tsikata expressed the hope that the Ehi festival would grow more and more and bring together all the cbadava producing communities.

Torgbui Dzeble Adukpo IV, head of the Ehi Development Council, said on the theme: "Empowering women through agriculture and entrepreneurship", expressed optimism about launching peace and development in Ehi Township.

"I want to see the celebration of Ehi Galiza supported; Road and electrical problems are resolved and businesses are traveling to the city and surrounding villages to create employment opportunities for young people, "he said.

The boss urged everyone present to financially support the committees and give them the respect they need to fulfill their commitments.

Mr. Stanly Mawuli Amamu, secretary of the Ehi Development Council, said the launch was also an opportunity to raise funds for various projects and to raise awareness of the impending festival.

"I can say that the Ehi Development Council is moving from political decision-making to implementation and that various working committees of the Council will be inaugurated in response to the Council's political decisions" .

Dr. Seth Adjei Baah, former Nkawkaw Member of Parliament, Director of Shaabaa Enterprise, present at the launch, said that the importance of women in the agri-food value chain could not be underestimated because women, who make up the bulk of our population most of the rural areas are agribusiness industries.

He added that the agri-food industry was affecting homes, society as a whole and that it was a sure way to reduce hunger.

Baah called on citizens to engage in the cultivation and processing of cbadava into gari for domestic and industrial use.

"Create your own businesses and co-ops and do not wait for the government to always do it for you because its burden is already huge," he said.

Mr. Baah has appealed to the Ministry of Roads and Transport for it occupies road networks in the township of EHI, in order to improve the living conditions of the residents of the community and badist in the transportation of finished products and raw materials to the nearest markets.

A board of directors composed of 20 members was inaugurated.

The Council chaired by Mr. Kojo Boso includes Torgbui Dzeble Adukpo IV, the patron and Dufia d'Ehi; Mr. Godwin Amo Tornuxi, Vice-President; Mr. Fiatepenorla Francis Senanu, Mr. Dumega Matin Adzoyi, Mr. Victor Yao Ameanu, Mr. Stanly Mawuli, Mr. Godwin Sekle Atiye, Mr. Gilbert Adukpo, Reverend John Quarshie, Mr. Adzie Gbedemah, Mr. John Kwame Doe, the Honorable By K. Kpeli, Hon. Dzramedo and Felix Beyevu.

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