Malawi albino busker ready for the world stage


Lilongwe (Malawi) (AFP)

Like many street smugglers, Lazarus Chigwandali travels the streets of Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, hoping to receive some coins from grateful pbaders-by.

But Chigwandali is not your usual street musician. It's an albino who releases a professional album and the star of a documentary produced by Madonna.

Albinos are often the target of brutal attacks in Malawi and other countries of southern Africa because they have white skin due to an inherited condition that results in a lack of pigmentation .

Murders, kidnappings and the dismal dismemberment of body parts for witchcraft are all real dangers.

Despite the risks, 39-year-old Chigwandali has been playing in front of the audience for years on a home-made banjo sound and on a drum he hits with a foot pedal on his right foot.

Last year, his big break took place when a tourist filmed it on a cell phone and the film was watched by Swedish producer Johan Hugo, who asked him to take a break. record an album.

Chigwandali, who sings in the local language, speaks of the local Chichewa language, relying on her strong education for music, speaking of constant harbadment, suspicion and the threat of physical attack.

"Growing up, people did not want us to be close to them because of our skin," he told AFP.

"People were leaving when I went to watch a football game with my younger brother (also an albino), others jostled us.

"The album talks about the plight of people with albinism, how people should not stigmatize others."

– "Take you away" –

Chigwandali's music stands out for itself – energetic with high-pitched vocals that catch everyone's attention on every pbading.

Hugo, the Swedish producer, was so impressed by the video clip that he found the Malawian street hangman and offered him to record his music.

"Some golden moments in life, something blows you up in such a way that you cry, laugh and shake your head," Hugo said later on social media.

"(It was) one of the coolest and most moving moments of my life."

Chigwandali is still busy providing for his wife and three sons, including two albinos, although he hopes that the flourishing projects in which he is involved will soon bring back a steady income.

He wears a wide-brimmed hat to protect himself from the sun's rays that cause him painful lesions to sensitive skin and freckles, as well as a traditional shirt made by hand with matching trousers.

Ikponswa Ero, the UN chief expert on albinism, told AFP that Chigwandali played a unique role in combating prejudices against albinos.

"He uses the arts for advocacy purposes, which is a powerful tool because it touches the hearts of people, so he is doing something important in this area," she said.

"People like Lazarus complement people like me who signal and help develop policies."

And Malawi, one of the world's poorest and most aid-dependent countries, has seen an upsurge in violent attacks against albinos.

In a report last year, Amnesty International said that since November 2014, 148 crimes against albinos had been reported, including at least 21 deaths.

For Chigwandali, he stated that "his recent status as a famous musician has made it difficult for me to be a target because I am more important, so now I go to the village without fear of being removed ".

– & nbsp; Speak to albinos & # 39; –

Originally from the city of Dedza in central Malawi, Chigwandali moved to Lilongwe after the death of his beloved younger brother of skin cancer in 2006.

Superstar singer Madonna met him on a visit to Malawi last year and earned an executive producer credit in the documentary simply titled "Lazarus" which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. York in April.

"A powerful voice of the new generation in Malawi," Madonna wrote under a picture of the social media duo when they performed in Malawi.

Besides Madonna, Chigwandali hopes to emulate Salif Keita, the Malian singer of the Malian Afro-pop star, who also suffers from albinism.

Now preparing the launch of his album, he has released a promotional title "Ndife Alendo" ("We are foreigners") that has been played on several BBC radio stations.

"My message reaches the whole world now," he said. "But Malawi's radio and television have also provided tremendous support, and I want people in my country to hear this music and enjoy it.

"All this has been a roller coaster for me, these things do not happen in real life normally.I do not know what to expect.But I am convinced that people want the best for me.

"I hope my music gives voice to albinos, so that they understand that they are as dignified as any human being."

? AFP 2019

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